OK, I've had a look:
You could start by trying this:
Under tools you choose "relations" and make a "one to many" link from the film number 
in the film table to the film number in the image table.  If you have mistyped some 
film number you may get an error.

Next, when making a form for image data you generate a sub-form collecting data from 
the film table.  In the wizard, choose to link the film number in the image data to 
the film number in the film data.  You should the get a sub form showing the 

I've tried it today in Access 2000, and it worked.  I do not think it worked this way 
in Access 2.0, so we will just have to hope that good old M$ has changed the code in 
the right version...

Good luck, let me know if you have any problems.


> I didnīt get as far as thumbnails, but it is possible to have sub 
> schemes and in the schemes.  Iīve done this to insert a list of 
> categories (search words).  You may be able to do the same thing as I 
> have if you insert a sub table incorporating the film information in 
> the scheme for each picture.
> I donīt have the database here (I have gone home for today) but can 
> have a look at it tomorrow.
> Itīs been a couple of years since I made it, so Iīm a bit rusty in the 
> details.
> DagT
> I can take a look at it
> På tirsdag, 9. september 2003, kl. 16:13, skrev Mark Roberts:
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >> I've got an old database in Access '97 if you want to see and example 
> >> of how it may be done.
> >
> > Actually, Access 97 is what I'm using.
> >
> > What I'm most interested in is a way of automatically populating fields
> > in the "Individual prints" table with information from the "film rolls"
> > table after I enter the film roll # in a form.
> >
> > I'm also looking for a simpler way of embedding the thumbnails: Right
> > now I have to right-click on the thumbnail window in the form, select
> > "insert object", choose "bitmap Image", navigate to the directory where
> > the thumbnail is stored, etc.

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