I love my


If I would have to add one more, I think it would either be the

Tokina 17/3.5
or my
100/4 macro.

I seldom use my 200/4, though I have the Pentax 2x converter giving me a


Paul Delcour

> From: "whickersworld" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2003 16:09:55 +0100
> Subject: Which four lenses?  Was: some more *ist D samples
> Resent-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Resent-Date: Wed, 10 Sep 2003 11:10:05 -0400
> Patrick Wunsch wrote:
>> If you could only have four lenses in your camera bag,
> which ones would you
>> chose and why.  I ask this because I am trying to narrow
> down my choices and
>> assess my needs versus wants while still be able to pay
> the mortgage!
>> I have the K1000 and ZX-5n cameras and am most interested
> in landscapes,
>> sunsets and lightning photography.
> Hi Pat,
> I would recommend:
> 24mm, 35mm, 85mm, 200mm  (my personal choice), or
> 20mm, 28mm, 50mm, 135mm  (for wider angles of view), or
> 28mm, 50mm, 135mm, 300mm (if you want a longer outfit).
> John

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