Money & weight no object:

FA* 24
FA* 28-70
FA* 80-200
FA* 250 -600

Less range, all primes, and FAR less money & weight

L 31
L 43
L 77
FA 100 Macro

Less Range and Money:

FA 24-90
FA 100 Macro
F 70-210
F* 300

And to the venerable Bill C. from the beautiful Oregon Coast, we all hope you are out there skulking around, healthy, happy, and your usual excentric self. I'll never forget his shots with that 3200mm contraption he put together a few years back with an old 300, two or three teleconverters, another 70-200 zoom and some kind of 50mm reversed in the middle somewhere, about 8 feet long and f 38 or something. He's quite a guy!

Bill, if you're out there, we miss you, man; get in touch!

On behalf of all Pugsters everywhere

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