Well, this is not a moderated list, Paul. However, there are somethings that have been agreed upon by the long time PDMLers. The thing about not posting leads to Ebay auctions other than your own has the most support of any of those unwritten rules. Even the ban on talking about guns (the most controversal subject to hit the list) has less support.

No you are not going to get kicked off the list if you insist upon continuimg to post Ebay listings, but you are not going to be very well liked either. Don't feel like we are attacking you here, Paul, we are just trying to give you, and others, a heads up on this.

Besides, anyone too dumb to be able to type in an Ebay search for "pentax" can't be helped anyway. ;)

Paul Delcour wrote:

Hi Bob,

are you a moderator? I take your point, but saw many postings where people
were asking for Pentax gear so I thought I'd point out a few. This is ebay
Germany mind you, not USA. And as for prices going up, so what? It's only
fair to share opportunities I feel.


Paul Delcour

Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2003 12:01:19 +0000
Subject: Re: Medical set on ebay.de
Resent-Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2003 08:01:29 -0400


This is the 5th or 6th time you have mentioned eBay auctions to the list.
Many people on this list follow eBay closely for bargains on Pentax gear.
In the past, they have become irritated by the posting of live auctions to
the list.

If you are the seller, it is fine to mention your auction, but if not...
Calling the attention of 400 Pentax enthusiasts to an interesting or cheap
is a certain way to get it's price bid-up and make bargains disappear.
There is always somebody on the list who is willing and able to pay more
than you.

Three points on the medical set you highlighted.
1)  This is sold by TEAM-PHOTO.  There is a separate thread running on this
list about how they are a problem to deal with.
2)  They have been listing this set for the past 3 months.  I have
personally seen it close without any bidders at least 4 other times.
3)  Their price is way too high.  This is a Pentax ringlight flash and a
Pentax F or FA100/2.8 Macro.  US$550 would be a good retail price.  US$350
would be closer to a bargain.

Your enthuisam is great.  You should spend some time at Boz's site as it is
a virtual encyclopedia on Pentax K-Mount gear.  Ask your questions about the
gear, just don't bombard us with eBay links.

Regards, Bob S.

From: Paul Delcour <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Here's something nice and special:


Pentax 100/2.8 macro with ringflashset. Don't know about the price might it
must be a very nice set to work with.


Paul Delcour

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