I think you need boost >=1.34, the default version in CentOS 5 is not enough.

On Mon, 16 May 2011 11:39:38 +0300, Nick Milas wrote:
On 15/5/2011 12:47 μμ, Nick Milas wrote:

I saw the 2193 tarball. I'll try to compile and test it tomorrow (Monday).

I am having a hard time trying to compile it. I installed (from
CentOS repos) boost:


but I was getting:

   checking for Boost headers version >= 103400... no
   configure: error: cannot find Boost headers version >= 103400

Then, I saw that boost-devel files are in /usr/include/boost and I
tried with:

CXXFLAGS=-I/usr/include/boost ./configure --with-modules="gmysql ldap"

or with:

   CXXFLAGS=-I/usr/include ./configure --with-modules="gmysql ldap"

but I kept getting the same error. So, I downloaded the source
package from boost website, extracted it and tried with (as suggested
here: http://rtfm.powerdns.com/compiling-powerdns.html):

   CXXFLAGS=-I/root/boost/boost_1_46_1 ./configure
   --with-modules="gmysql ldap"

With it, I am getting:

   checking for Boost headers version >= 103400... yes
   checking for Boost's header version... 1_33_1
   checking boost/foreach.hpp usability... yes
   checking boost/foreach.hpp presence... no
   configure: WARNING: boost/foreach.hpp: accepted by the compiler,
   rejected by the preprocessor!
   configure: WARNING: boost/foreach.hpp: proceeding with the
   compiler's result
   checking for boost/foreach.hpp... yes
   checking for the toolset name used by Boost for g++... gcc41 -gcc
   checking boost/program_options.hpp usability... yes
   checking boost/program_options.hpp presence... yes
   checking for boost/program_options.hpp... yes
   checking for the Boost program_options library... no
   configure: error: cannot not find the flags to link with Boost

Why the configure script didn't find the boost headers as installed
by the native RPM package?
(See the package contents at


Why the source package didn't work either?

Please advise!

Note: I only have x86_64 packages installed in the box.


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