I am trying to compile pdns 2.9.22 on Centos 5.6 x64 but when I run .configure 
I get this error:
    Missing boost - please install Boost packages or see 
I have installed the default boost libraries from Centos base:
 boost.i386                                 1.33.1-10.el5               base
 boost.x86_64                               1.33.1-10.el5               base
 boost-devel.i386                           1.33.1-10.el5               base
 boost-devel.x86_64                         1.33.1-10.el5               base
I still got the "missing boost" error, so I uninstalled boost and boost-devel, 
and I have installed instead:
 boost141.x86_64                            1.41.0-2.el5                epel
 boost141-date-time.i386                    1.41.0-2.el5                epel
 boost141-date-time.x86_64                  1.41.0-2.el5                epel
 boost141-devel.i386                        1.41.0-2.el5                epel
 boost141-devel.x86_64                      1.41.0-2.el5                epel
 boost141-doc.x86_64                        1.41.0-2.el5                epel
 boost141-filesystem.i386                   1.41.0-2.el5                epel
 boost141-filesystem.x86_64                 1.41.0-2.el5                epel
 boost141-graph.i386                        1.41.0-2.el5                epel
 boost141-graph.x86_64                      1.41.0-2.el5                epel
 boost141-graph-mpich2.i386                 1.41.0-2.el5                epel
 boost141-graph-mpich2.x86_64               1.41.0-2.el5                epel
 boost141-graph-openmpi.x86_64              1.41.0-2.el5                epel
 boost141-iostreams.i386                    1.41.0-2.el5                epel
 boost141-iostreams.x86_64                  1.41.0-2.el5                epel
 boost141-math.x86_64                       1.41.0-2.el5                epel
 boost141-mpich2.i386                       1.41.0-2.el5                epel
 boost141-mpich2.x86_64                     1.41.0-2.el5                epel
 boost141-mpich2-devel.i386                 1.41.0-2.el5                epel
 boost141-mpich2-devel.x86_64               1.41.0-2.el5                epel
 boost141-mpich2-python.i386                1.41.0-2.el5                epel
 boost141-mpich2-python.x86_64              1.41.0-2.el5                epel
 boost141-openmpi.x86_64                    1.41.0-2.el5                epel
 boost141-openmpi-devel.i386                1.41.0-2.el5                epel
 boost141-openmpi-devel.x86_64              1.41.0-2.el5                epel
 boost141-openmpi-python.x86_64             1.41.0-2.el5                epel
 boost141-program-options.i386              1.41.0-2.el5                epel
 boost141-program-options.x86_64            1.41.0-2.el5                epel
 boost141-python.i386                       1.41.0-2.el5                epel
 boost141-python.x86_64                     1.41.0-2.el5                epel
 boost141-regex.i386                        1.41.0-2.el5                epel
 boost141-regex.x86_64                      1.41.0-2.el5                epel
 boost141-serialization.i386                1.41.0-2.el5                epel
 boost141-serialization.x86_64              1.41.0-2.el5                epel
 boost141-signals.i386                      1.41.0-2.el5                epel
 boost141-signals.x86_64                    1.41.0-2.el5                epel
 boost141-static.x86_64                     1.41.0-2.el5                epel
 boost141-system.i386                       1.41.0-2.el5                epel
 boost141-system.x86_64                     1.41.0-2.el5                epel
 boost141-test.i386                         1.41.0-2.el5                epel
 boost141-test.x86_64                       1.41.0-2.el5                epel
 boost141-thread.i386                       1.41.0-2.el5                epel
 boost141-thread.x86_64                     1.41.0-2.el5                epel
 boost141-wave.i386                         1.41.0-2.el5                epel
 boost141-wave.x86_64                       1.41.0-2.el5                epel
Still no luck.
So I have downloaded boost.tar.gz (several versions: 1.33, 1.37 and then 
1.46.1) and tried like this:
 CXXFLAGS=-I/root/boost_1_33_0 ./configure ...
It didn't work, I still get: Missing boost - please install Boost packages or 
Does anybody know how to compile pdns 2.9.22 on Centos?
I know there are pre-compiled versions I can install with yum, but I'd like to 
be able to compile pdns myself.
Thank you in advance for your help.
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