Below are two op-ed pieces by Ahmed Yousef - each slightly different than
the other - published simultaneously today in the Washington Post and the
New York Times. Yousef is a senior official in the Hamas government.

Last November, the NYT ran another opinion piece by Yousef which explicitly
drew a parallel between Hamas' objectives and the course followed by the IRA
and Sinn Fein in N. Ireland. It's available in the NY Times archive:

In publishing Yousef's latest effort(s) at a time when the propaganda
machines in Washington, Tel Aviv, and Ramallah are at full volume, these two
pillars of the media establishment are evidently trying to encourage the
Bush and Olmert governments to reach an "Irish" accomodation with the
political wing of Hamas, rather than threatening it with destruction and
placing impossible demands on it - in particular, that Hamas formally
recognize Israel. (It was never demanded of Sinn Fein, for example, that it
abandon its goal of a united Ireland prior to the intiation of peace talks

There's much concern about an impending Israeli attack on Gaza - the
Israelis themselves encouraged the speculation in a leak to the London Times
on the weekend - but, as with much else, the outcome will "depend on events,
dear boy, on events", as the British PM Harold MacMillan liked to say. It's
certain that if Hamas doesn't control missile firings from Gaza or the
unrest spreads to the West Bank, the Israelis will send in troops and the
fighting will be very bloody. On the other hand, if the situation remains
relatively calm in both areas, it's more likely the US, Israel, and the EU
would continue propping up Fatah and squeezing Gaza in the hope that Hamas
is pressured by its own constituents to seek relief by making the necessary

That's only way I can see the restoration of a unity government - this time
with the Hamas leadership in a subordinate role - which would engage in
talks to see whether a two-state solution is still possible in that part of
the world.
Engage With Hamas
We Earned Our Support
By Ahmed Yousef
Washington Post
Wednesday, June 20, 2007; A19

GAZA CITY, Palestine -- The Palestinian National Authority apparently joins
the list of elected governments targeted or toppled over the past century by
interventionism: nations that had the courage to take American rhetoric at
face value and elect whomever they would. No doubt some in Washington
persist in the fiction that the United States is following a "road map" to
democracy for Palestinians, just as others believe the Iraq war has been a
sincere exercise in nation-building. Neoconservative strategists have
miscalculated, however, and Hamas is stronger than ever.

For the first time in months, Gaza is secure. This may be a momentary peace
as Israel prepares an attempt to retake parts of Gaza. Yet neither blunt
force nor U.S. subterfuge will extinguish Palestinian aspirations for
self-governance, free from outside interference.

Hamas's actions to secure Gaza from the horrific recent violence of the
Palestinian contras have been out of self-defense. The assassinations of
Hamas officials and supporters, attempts on the life of the elected prime
minister, and kidnappings and bombings by some in President Mahmoud Abbas's
paramilitary groups had to stop. The PA has a clear legal right, indeed an
obligation, to prevent this violence, by force if necessary, and to protect
the Palestinian people.

It is not Hamas that has "outlawed" the government. (When has an elected
party with a voting majority ever resorted to banning the government to get
its way?) The success of the Reform and Change Party is neither a chimera
nor a momentary lapse in reason on the part of the electorate. Rather, it is
the result of four decades of hard work in Palestinian society. It reflects
the trust of the people. Those who collaborate with the occupiers to void
the electoral process will not succeed. Abbas's "state of emergency" and his
U.S. and Israeli arms will not prevail in Gaza or quench the thirst for
political freedom in the West Bank.

Some critics raise the red flag of "al-Qaeda" and say that Hamas and
parliament are a stalking horse for Salafi jihadists. I defy them to
demonstrate one instance in which Hamas's military structure has struck
against any force outside the theater of the occupation. The struggle has
always been against the Israeli agenda of ethnic cleansing and conquest.
Hamas is a movement of Palestinian liberation and nationalism -- Islamist,
yes, but in the sea of contending faiths that is the homeland, where is the
sin in loving one's creed?

Likewise, those who demean resistance to the occupation as little more than
a proxy for Iran, Syria or Hezbollah are ignorant of history. The
long-suffering Palestinians have gratefully accepted assistance from
neighbors both near and far, Arab and Western, Muslim or otherwise.
Slighting the generosity of those who sympathize with the Palestinians is
hypocritical given America's billions of annual aid dollars for Israel,
money that has only purchased tragedy.

Palestinians want, on their terms, the same thing Western societies want:
self-determination, modernity, access to markets and their own economic
power, and freedom for civil society to evolve. Those who warn of "failed
states" and "Hamastan" as a breeding ground for terrorism forget where blame
for failure belongs -- at the feet of the American administration, which has
chosen to isolate, rather than deal with, the elected government.

The Bush administration never intended to honor the outcome of fair and
transparent elections in the occupied territories. The embargo, designed to
punish the electorate for its choice, was the first step toward crushing new
democratic institutions. The second has been to find collaborators for the
American agenda and to supply them with advisers, funds and weapons for
their campaign of destabilization. The final step will be to truncate Gaza
from any proposed Palestinian state and make it a de facto prison for all
"undesirable" aspects of Palestinian nationalism. This will culminate in
provocations designed to trigger a military response from Israel, which will
"justify" a war on Gazans. This would be tragic for all concerned, and the
international community, especially the Arab League, must not allow such an

What can be salvaged from the wreckage of the multiparty system? Those who
have dissolved the government and joined with the occupiers are embraced by
the Bush and Olmert administrations, which have released Palestinian tax
revenue and taken other steps to shore up the Abbas government's legitimacy
and proclaim it the future of a Palestine shorn of troublesome Gaza.

Yet it remains that Hamas has a world in common with Fatah and other
parties, and they all share the same goals -- the end of occupation; the
release of political prisoners; the right of return for all Palestinians;
and freedom to be a nation equal among nations, secure in its own borders
and at peace. For more than 60 years, Palestinians have resisted walls and
checkpoints intended to divide them. Now they must resist the poisonous
inducements to fight one another and resume a unified front against the

We urge the Bush administration not to repeat the mistakes that have become
hallmarks of its actions in the Middle East. Allow the Palestinian people to
chart their own course, free from the influence of those who seek little
more than to perpetuate the status quo. The alternative is unacceptable.

Ahmed Yousef is a senior political adviser to Ismail Haniyeh, who is
contesting his dismissal as prime minister by Mahmoud Abbas.

*    *    *
What Hamas Wants
New York Times
June 20, 2007

Gaza City

THE events in Gaza over the last few days have been described in the West as
a coup. In essence, they have been the opposite. Eighteen months ago, our
Hamas Party won the Palestinian parliamentary elections and entered office
under Prime Minister Ismail Haniya but never received the handover of real
power from Fatah, the losing party. The Palestinian president, Mahmoud
Abbas, has now tried to replace the winning Hamas government with one of his
own, returning Fatah to power while many of our elected members of
Parliament languish in Israeli jails. That is the real coup.

From the day Hamas won the general elections in 2006 it offered Fatah the
chance of joining forces and forming a unity government. It tried to engage
the international community to explain its platform for peace. It has
consistently offered a 10-year cease-fire with the Israelis to try to create
an atmosphere of calm in which we resolve our differences. Hamas even
adhered to a unilateral cease-fire for 18 months in an effort to normalize
the situation on the ground. None of these points appear to have been
recognized in the press coverage of the last few days.

Nor has it been evident to many people in the West that the civil unrest in
Gaza and the West Bank has been precipitated by the American and Israeli
policy of arming elements of the Fatah opposition who want to attack Hamas
and force us from office. For 18 months we have tried to find ways to
coexist with Fatah, entering into a unity government, even conceding key
positions in the cabinet to their and international demands, negotiating up
until the last moment to try to provide security for all of our people on
the streets of Gaza.

Sadly, it became apparent that not all officials from Fatah were negotiating
in good faith. There were attempts on Mr. Haniya's life last week, and
eventually we were forced into trying to take control of a very dangerous
situation in order to provide political stability and establish law and

The streets of Gaza are now calm for the first time in a very long time. We
have begun disarming some of the drug dealers and the armed gangs and we
hope to restore a sense of security and safety to the citizens of Gaza. We
want to get children back to school, get basic services functioning again,
and provide long-term economic gains for our people.

Our stated aim when we won the election was to effect reform, end corruption
and bring economic prosperity to our people. Our sole focus is Palestinian
rights and good governance. We now hope to create a climate of peace and
tranquillity within our community that will pave the way for an end to
internal strife and bring about the release of the British journalist Alan
Johnston, whose kidnapping in March by non-Hamas members is a stain on the
reputation of the Palestinian people.

We reject attempts to divide Palestine into two parts and to pass Hamas off
as an extreme and dangerous force. We continue to believe that there is
still a chance to establish a long-term truce. But this will not happen
unless the international community fully engages with Hamas.

Any further attempts to marginalize us, starve our people into submission or
attack us militarily will prove that the United States and Israeli
governments are not genuinely interested in seeing an end to the violence.
Dispassionate observers over the next few weeks will be able to make up
their own minds as to each side's true intentions.

Ahmed Yousef is the political adviser to Ismail Haniya, who became the
Palestinian prime minister last year.

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