On Mar 30, 2007, at 9:19 PM, chromatic wrote:

On Friday 30 March 2007 13:59, Alek Storm wrote:

I used a simple benchmark to compare the relative speeds of Parrot
with and without the patch, and I was surprised to find that the test
script runs (very roughly) 10% faster *with* the patch.  Can someone
confirm this?  Running revision 17860; benchmark script attached; run
$ parrot bench.pir 100000

Since leo was concerned about memory usage, by running valgrind:
$ valgrind --tool=massif parrot bench.pir 100000
I found that, over several runs, the spacetime (time * bytes) usage is
slightly better with the patch than without.  Can someone confirm this

The results look statistically noisy to me, as of r17872, on x86 Linux.

-- c

I'm on ppc, and after making a change to get it to compile(not a portable patch, but that's another issue), and I'm not noticing any statistical difference. I didn't run your minibenchmark, but there are other benchmarks I used, such as those in examples/shootout. In the cases where I think I get a result, a few runs later of both eliminate any difference(which could be due to caching). Also, judging by chromatic's results, any benchmark that finishes in under a fifth of a second isn't a good benchmark. So needless to say, it doesn't seem as though your patch does any good for performance(more often it seemed worse but I didn't get enough results to really check). For subtle things like this, try reading http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/developers-handbook/ testing.html and see if it helps you any on how to benchmark changes.

Now, with regard to the other issues, final decisions about what is best for how to handle reentrancy depend upon the makeup on whatever requires reentrancy. Your patch may or may not be the ideal solution to the problem.

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