The installation of rakudo fails, when using the prefix option at the

For example:
perl --backends=moar,jvm --gen-moar --gen-nqp --prefix=
make install
/usr/bin/perl -MExtUtils::Command -e
mkpath /home/gz016/rakudo-src/monatlich/2015.12/share/nqp/site/bin
/usr/bin/perl -MExtUtils::Command -e
mkpath /home/gz016/rakudo-src/monatlich/2015.12/share/nqp/site/short
./perl6-m tools/build/
No writeable path found
  in block <unit> at tools/build/ line 12

Makefile:926: recipe for target 'm-install' failed
make: *** [m-install] Error 1

-- Gerd

Am Samstag, den 26.12.2015, 15:47 -0500 schrieb Parrot Raiser:
> Bravo Zulu, everyone, and a well-earned rest for Jonathan.
> The forecast is for scattered scepticism, with occasional outbreaks of
> trolls, but there should be some positive reaction from the rest of
> world.
> On 12/25/15, Will Coleda <> wrote:
> > On behalf of the Rakudo development team, I’m proud to announce the
> > Christmas release (December 2015) of Rakudo Perl 6 #94 “коледа”. Rakudo
> > is an implementation of Perl 6 on the Moar Virtual Machine[^1] and the
> > Java Virtual Machine.
> >
> > This is the Christmas release of Rakudo Perl 6. This version of the
> > compiler
> > targets the v6.c “Christmas” specification of the Perl 6 language. The
> > Perl 6 community has been working toward this release over the last 15
> > years.
> > Together, we've built a language that:
> >
> > + Retains the core values of Perl: expressiveness, getting the job done,
> >   taking influences from natural language, and pushing the boundaries of
> >   language design
> > + Has clean, modern syntax, rooted in familiar constructs but revisiting
> >   and revising the things that needed it
> > + Is truly multi-paradigm, enabling elegant object-oriented, functional,
> >   procedural, and concurrent programming
> > + Serves as a great glue language, allowing for easy calling of C/C++
> >   (using NativeCall) and staying compatible with Perl 5 (via
> > Inline::Perl5).
> > + Provides composable constructs for working with asynchronous data and
> >   parallel computations
> > + Dramatically reforms and sets a new standard in regex syntax, which
> >   scales up to full grammars - powerful enough to parse Perl 6 itself
> > + Has outstanding Unicode support, with strings working at grapheme level
> > + Values lexical scoping and encapsulation, enabling easy refactoring
> > + Is extensible through meta-object programming, user-defined operators,
> >   and traits
> >
> > The tag for this release is “коледа”[^2], a slavic word for an ancient
> > winter
> > festival that has been incorporated into Christmas. We hope you join us
> > in our celebration of getting our Christmas release shipped!
> >
> > While we are extremely happy to ship an official Perl 6 release, this is
> > not
> > the end of Rakudo’s development. We will continue to ship monthly releases,
> > which will continue to improve performance and our user’s experience. We’ll
> > also continue our work on the specification, with feedback from the
> > community.
> >
> > To be clear on that point, this Rakudo release is not considered the
> > primary
> > deliverable for this Christmas; it is the language specification, known
> > as "roast" (Repository Of All Spec Tests), that is considered the primary
> > deliverable.  The specification tests that define this 6.c version[^3] of
> > the
> > language are now frozen, and we hope it will be quite some time before we
> > feel obligated to define a 6.d (Diwali) version of the language.
> >
> > This Rakudo release targets those tests (over 120 thousand of them), and
> > passes
> > them all on at least some architectures when the moon is in the right
> > phase.
> > But Rakudo itself is not frozen.  There is still plenty of work ahead for us
> > to
> > improve speed, portability, and stability.  Do not expect the level of
> > perfection that you see in established products.  This is essentially a .0
> > release of a compiler.  We do not claim an absence of bugs or
> > instabilities.
> > We do not claim the documentation is complete.  We do not claim portability
> > to
> > many architectures.  We do not claim that all downstream software will work
> > correctly.  Think of it as a first kernel release, and now we get to build
> > and
> > port various distributions based around that kernel.
> >
> > What we do claim is that you now have a stable language specification, and
> > you can enjoy getting some stuff done with Perl 6 without us breaking it
> > every
> > month—as long as you stick to the features that are actually tested in the
> > test suite, that is.  Please note that any “feature” you discover that is
> > not tested in the test suite is considered fair game for change without
> > notice.
> >
> > Have the appropriate amount of fun!
> >
> > The tarball for this release is available from
> > <>.
> >
> > Please note: This announcement is not for the Rakudo Star
> > distribution[^4] --- it’s announcing a new release of the compiler
> > and the specification. For the latest Rakudo Star release, see
> > <>. A Christmas-based version will
> > be available soon.
> >
> > In addition to being our Christmas release, this is yet another
> > monthly compiler release; Some of the changes that are new in
> > release are outlined below:
> >
> > New in 2015.12:
> >  + Fixed size and multi-dimensional typed and native arrays
> >  + Greatly overhauled module loading and installation, including handling
> >    precompilation at module installation time in Rakudo
> >  + while/until loops can now return lists of values
> >  + We now catch many more kinds of "Useless use of X in sink context"
> >  + A number of convenient Unicode equivalents were introduced
> >  + Superscripts can now be used for integer powers
> >  + Non-digit unicode characters with a numeric value (½ and such) can now
> > be
> >    used for that numeric value
> >  + There is a new "approximately equal" operator
> >  + Add support for USAGE argument help
> >  + Provide tau constant (also: τ)
> >  + Can now use channels with supply/react/whenever
> >  + Bool is now a proper enum
> >  + Supply/Supplier improvements
> >  + Use of EVAL now requires a declaration of 'use MONKEY-SEE-NO-EVAL'
> >  + Make pack and unpack experimental
> >  + Dynamic variables are now visible inside start { ... } blocks
> >  + Autoincrements on native ints are now faster than on Int
> >  + The ~~ operator can now chain with other comparisons in many
> > circumstances
> >  + Various numeric operations now return overflow/underflow failures
> > instead
> >    of wrong value
> >  + The :ss, :ii, and :mm options to s/// now all work together
> >
> > This is only a partial list of the changes in this release. For a more
> > detailed list, see “docs/ChangeLog”.
> >
> > The development team thanks all of our contributors and sponsors for
> > making Rakudo Perl possible, as well as those people who worked on
> > the design docs, the Perl 6 test suite, MoarVM and the specification.
> > Additionally, the Pugs, Parrot, and Niecza projects were all instrumental
> > with their contributions to the specification and the community.
> >
> > The following people contributed to the development of the Christmas
> > release;
> > We’ve gone back through the logs of all the various projects.  Thanks to
> > everyone who has worked to make this release happen over the past 15 years.
> > We
> > would also like to thank everyone who submitted bug reports or dropped in
> > on
> > the various forums to discuss things.  Finally, we’d like to extend a
> > special
> > thanks to everyone who we accidentally left out of this list.
> >
> > Gisle Aas, abcxyzp, Chuck Adams, Colin Paul Adams, Rod Adams,
> > C.J. Adams-Collier, David H. Adler, Chirag Agrawal,
> > Amir E. Aharoni, Bilal Akhtar, Julian Albo, Alekssasho,
> > alexghacker, Paco Alguacil, Brandon S Allbery, Geir Amdal,
> > Markus Amsler, Paul C. Anagnostopoulos, Nikolay Ananiev,
> > anatolyv, andras, Saleem Ansari, Joji Antony, Tomoki Aonuma,
> > Syed Uzair Aqeel, arathorn, Arcterus, Kodi Arfer,
> > Daniel Arbelo Arrocha, ash, Ted Ashton, Arnaud Assad, atroxaper,
> > Ori Avtalion אורי אבטליון, Auzon, Greg Bacon,
> > Ivan Baidakou, Alex Balhatchet, Szabó, Balázs, Amir Livine Bar-On
 <> עמיר ליבנה בר-און, Luca Barbato, Mattia Barbon,
> > Ann Barcomb, Christian Bartolomäus, Alex "Skud" Bayley,
> > bcmb, Jody Belka, Shachaf Ben-Kiki, Andrei Benea, benedikth,
> > Zev Benjamin, benmorrow, Kevan Benson, Martin Berends, Anton Berezin,
> > Arthur Bergman, Anders Nor Berle, bestian, Peter Bevan, Mark Biggar,
> > Carlin Bingham, Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason, J. David Blackstone,
> > Ronald Blaschke, Ingo Blechschmidt, bloonix, blwood, Kristof Bogaerts,
> > Dan Bolser, Конрад Боровски, Christopher Bottoms,
> > Gonéri Le Bouder, Jos Boumans, Brad Bowman, Matt Boyle, bpetering,
> > H.Merijn Brand, Terrence Brannon, Gwern Branwen, Stig Brautaset,
> > Herbert "lichtkind" Breunung, bri, brian_d_foy, Fernando Brito,
> > Geoffrey Broadwell, Leon Brocard, Benjamin Brodfuehrer, Samuel Bronson,
> > Dan Brook, Nathan C. Brown, Roger Browne, Philippe Bruhat (BooK),
> > David Brunton, Corwin Brust, Klaus Brüssel, Lucas Buchala,
> > buchetc, Christoph Buchetmann, Norbert Buchmuller, Buddha Buck,
> > Alexandre Buisse, Tim Bunce, Bryan Burgers, Sean M. Burke,
> > Matthew Byng-Maddick, András Bártházi, Jürgen Bömmels, Caelum,
> > Aldo Calpini, Edward Cant, David Cantrell, Carlin, Michael Cartmell,
> > Hezekiah Carty, Nuno 'smash' Carvalho, Marcelo Serra Castilhos,
> > Piers Cawley, cdavaz, cdpruden, Gianni Ceccarelli, cfourier,
> > Marc Chantreux, Mitchell N Charity, Oliver Charles, Vasily Chekalkin,
> > Yuan-Chen Cheng 鄭原真, Daniel Chetlin, Hsin-Chan Chien 簡信昌,
> > N. Hao Ching, Joshua Choi, Elizabeth Cholet, David Christensen,
> > chuck, cjeris, Nicholas Clark, Steve Clark, Jeff Clites,
> > cmarcelo, cmeyer, Paul Cochrane, Daniel Colascione, Jason Cole,
> > Will "Coke" Coleda, Sylvain Colinet, cono, Tim Conrow, Géraud Continsouzas,
> > Damian Conway, Neil Conway, Stuart Cook, David Corbin,
> > Deven T. Corzine, cosmicnet, Timothy Covell, Beau E. Cox,
> > Simon Cozens, Philip Crow, cspenser, Franck Cuny, Tyler Curtis,
> > David Czech, Daenyth, Dagur, Ritz Daniel, darkwolf, Chris Davaz,
> > David Warring, Justin DeVuyst, Daniel Dehennin, Akim Demaille,
> > Detonite, Lars "daxim" Dieckow 迪拉斯,
> > Matt Diephouse, Bob Diertens, Wendy "woolfy" van Dijk, Jeffrey Dik,
> > John M. Dlugosz, dimid, diotalevi, Hans van Dok, Chris Dolan,
> > Mark Dominus, Bryan Donlan, Andy Dougherty, Dave Doyle,
> > drKreso, dr_df0, dudley, Jonathan Scott Duff, dug, Lee Duhem,
> > Darren Duncan, Andrew Egeler, Havard Eidnes, Nelson Elhage,
> > Fitz Elliott, Alex Elsayed, Jay Emerson, Aankhola Encorporated,
> > ennio, Enveigler, Jon Ericson, Shae Matijs Erisson, Eryq,
> > Mike Eve, Pat Eyler, Aaron Faanes, Kevin Falcone, David Farrell,
> > Angel Faus, Jason Felds, Paul Fenwick, Jose Rodrigo Fernandez,
> > Nelson Ferraz, Adriano Ferreira, João Fernando Ferreira,
> > Chris Fields, Caio Marcelo de Oliveira Filho, Steve Fink,
> > Shlomi "rindolf" Fish שלומי פיש, Mark Leighton Fisher,
> > Scott Fitzenrider, Dudley Flanders, Richard Foley, Vincent Foley,
> > Julian Fondren, Ruben Fonseca, David Formosa, Karl Forner,
> > Solomon Foster, Chaddaï Fouché, Lloyd Fournier, Michael Fowler,
> > Matt Fowles, franck, Austin Frank, Carl Franks,
> > Kent Fredric, Chaim Frenkel, Piotr Fusik, gabriele,
> > John Gabriele, Christoph Gärtner, Martin von Gagern,
> > Felix Gallo, Salvador Ortiz Garcia, Rafaël Garcia-Suarez,
> > Joshua Gatcomb, Jerry Gay, gcomnz, Jonathan Gentle, iVAN Georgiev,
> > Brian Gernhardt, Bram Geron, Alessandro Ghedini, Imran Ghory,
> > Peter Gibbs, Tanton Gibbs, Brad Gilbert (b2gills), Karl Glazebrook,
> > Nick Glencross, Mark Glines, Flávio S. Glock, Jason Gloudon,
> > Simon Glover, gnuvince, Garrett Goebel, Jeffrey Goff,
> > Mikhael Goikhman, Benjamin Goldberg, Arcady Goldmints-Orlov,
> > Dimitry Golubovsky, Gerard Goossen, Goplat, Alex Gough, Léo Grange,
> > Chad "Exodist" Granum, Kenneth A Graves, Bruce Gray, Nathan Gray,
> > Mark Grimes, Lucien Grondin, Rolf Grossmann, David Grove,
> > Marcel Grünauer, Daniel Grunblatt, Uri Guttman, gwern, Swaroop C H,
> > Richard Hainsworth, Roger Hale, John "ab5tract" Haltiwanger,
> > Nigel Hamilton, Eric Hanchrow, Sterling Hanenkamp, Ask Bjørn Hansen,
> > Christian "chansen" Hansen, Eirik Berg Hanssen, Samuel Harrington,
> > Trey Harris, John Harrison, Carsten Hartenfels, Richard Hartmann,
> > Kyle Hasselbacher, Austin Hastings, Carl Hayter, Florian Helmberger,
> > Gordon Henriksen, Felix Herrmann, Peter Heslin, Fred Heutte,
> > Jarkko Hietaniemi, Michael H. Hind, Joshua Hoblitt, Zack Hobson,
> > Eric Hodges, Rob Hoelz, Masahiro Honma, Lyle Hopkins, JD Horelick,
> > Jeff Horwitz, Chris Hostetter, Laurens Van Houtven, Jeremy Howard,
> > Yiyi Hu 鹄驿懿, Benedikt Huber, Brad Hughes, Sterling Hughes,
> > Tom Hughes, Tristan Hume, Donald Hunter, Douglas Hunter,
> > Juan Francisco Cantero Hurtado, Kay-Uwe 'kiwi' Hüll, Ran Eliam,
> > Alin Iacob, Ibotty, ibrown, ihrd, Roland Illing, Jan Ingvoldstad,
> > Joshua Isom, isop, Ivan_A_Frey, ivanoff, Akash Manohar J, jafelds,
> > Robert G. Jakabosky, jamesrom, S. A. Janet, jani, Heiko Jansen,
> > Stuart Jansen, Jarrod, Jedai, Chris Jepeway, Chris Jeris,
> > Dagur Valberg Johannsson, Erik Johansen, Paul Johnson, johnspurr,
> > Isaac Jones, Norman Nunley, Jr, Yoshikuni Jujo, Brian S. Julin,
> > Brian S. Julin, Josh Juran, Michal Jurosz, David KOENIG,
> > Prakash Kailasa, Shoichi Kaji, Daniel Kang, Isis Kang,
> > Chia-Liang Kao 高嘉良, Dmitry Karasik, Luben Karavelov,
> > Amir Karger, Offer Kaye, Bruce Keeler, James E Keenan, Cole Keirsey,
> > Adam Kennedy, Matt Kennedy, Shane Kerr, khairul, Mikhail Khorkov,
> > Krzysztof Kielak, Andres Kievsky, Daehyub Kim, Rob Kinyon,
> > Oleg Kiselyov, OOLLEY kj, Martin Kjeldsen, Thomas "domm" Klausner,
> > Zohar "lumi" Kelrich זהר קלריך/卡卓哈, Damian Miles Knopp,
> > Dan Kogai 小飼弾, Yuval "nothingmuch" Kogman יובל קוג'מן,
> > Tomasz Konojacki, Vadim Konovalov, Nick Kostirya, Matt Kraai,
> > Thomas Kratz, Adrian Kreher, John van Krieken, Matthias Krull,
> > Bradley M. Kuhn, Bob Kuo, Colin Kuskie, Kamil Kułaga,
> > Sage LaTorra, Brent Laabs, laben, Johannes Laire, Markus Laire,
> > Fayland Lam 林道, Mike Lambert, lanny, Leo Lapworth,
> >, Bart Lateur, Jia-Hong Lee,
> > Lola Lee, Jonathan Leffler, Tobias Leich, lembark,
> > Mark Lentczner, Moritz A Lenz, Jean-Louis Leroy, Andy Lester,
> > Jonathan "Duke" Leto, Vladimir Lettiev, Mike Li 李曉光,
> > Stefan Lidman, Yung-Chung Lin 林永忠, Glenn Linderman,
> > Vladimir Lipsky, Zach Lipton, Stevan Little, Kang-Min Liu 劉康民,
> > Skip Livingston, David M. Lloyd, Daniel Lo, Peter Lobsinger,
> > Andres Löh, Nick Logan, Eric Lubow, Nolan Lum, Peter Lunicks,
> > LylePerl, Ian Lynagh, lysdexsik, Kiran Kumar M., Jerry MacClure,
> > Noel Maddy, Christopher J. Madsen, Abhijit A. Mahabal,
> > Max Maischein, Peter Makholm, Ujwal Reddy Malipeddi, malon,
> > Christopher Malon, Dagfinn Ilmari Mannsåker, Michael Maraist,
> > Roie Marianer רועי מריאנר, markmont, Simon Marlow,
> > martin, Paolo Martini, Ilya Martynov, Jaume Martí, James Mastros,
> > Michael J. Mathews, Vyacheslav Matjukhin, Tokuhiro Matsuno, mattc,
> > Mike Mattie, Elizabeth "lizmat" Mattijsen, Вячеслав Матюхин,
> > Markus Mayr, Josh McAdams, Martin McCarthy, Mark McConnell,
> > Steven McDougall, John McNamara, Scott McWhirter, mdinger,
> > Olivier "dolmen" Mengué, Kevin Metcalf, Patrick R. Michaud, mimir,
> > mjreed, Tom Moertel, Michael Mol, Paolo Molaro, Shawn M Moore,
> > Brandon Michael Moore, Alexander Moquin, Ion Alexandru Morega,
> > Dino Morelli, Kolia Morev, Zach Morgan, mr_ank, Alex Munroe, muraiki,
> > Paweł Murias, mvuets, Steve Mynott, mzedeler, Carl Mäsak, naesten,
> > Tim Nelson, Ailin Nemui, Ingy döt Net 應吉大聶, David Nicol,
> > Faye Niemeyer, Nigelsandever, Karl Rune Nilsen, Salve J. Nilsen,
> > Per Christian Nodtvedt, Ben Noordhuis, Paweł Nowak,
> > Norman Nunley, Tony O'Dell, יהושע "שי" אוחיון,
> > Clayton O'Neill, Stefan O'Rear, Sean O'Rourke, Matt Oates,
> > Tony Olekshy, Martin Olsen, Dmitriy Olshevskiy, Dave Olszewski,
> > Nelo Onyiah, William Orr, Jon Orwant, Andrei Osipov, Christoph Otto,
> > Pawel Pabian, Walter Pallestrong, Luke Palmer, Bartłomiej Palmowski,
> > Pancake, Paolo, Marton Papp, Andrew Parker, Roman M. Parparov,
> > Anthony Parsons, Mike Pastore, Nova Patch, Timo Paulssen, Tony Payne,
> > Stéphane "cognominal" Payrard, Slava Pechenin, Gael Pegliasco,
> > Stéphane Peiry, Felipe Pena, Nayden Pendov, Wenzel P. P. Peppmeyer,
> > François Perrad, Markus Peter, Ben Petering, Steve Peters,
> > Tim Peterson, Ronny Pfannschmidt, Clinton A. Pierce, Jerrad Pierce,
> > Thilo Planz, plunix, pmakholm, Curtis 'Ovid' Poe, Gerd Pokorra,
> > Peter Polacik, Flavio Poletti, Kevin Polulak, John Porter,
> > Ryan W. Porter, Stephen P. Potter, Philip Potter, Adam Preble,
> > premshree, Klāvs Priedītis, Adam Prime, Richard Proctor,
> > Christopher Pruden, Kevin Puetz, Gregor N. Purdy, purl, Hongwen Qiu,
> > Jerome Quelin, quester, Gerhard R., Peter Rabbitson, Florian Ragwitz,
> > raiph, Matt Rajca, Marcus Ramberg, Claudio Ramirez, Prog Rammer,
> > Allison Randal, David Ranvig, Lars Balker Rasmussen, Curtis Rawls,
> > raydiak, Robin Redeker, Ted Reed, Jens Rehsack, Charles Reiss,
> > Gabriele Renzi, Kenneth C. Rich, Jason Richmond, Ryan Richter,
> > Sebastian Riedel, Dennis Rieks, Jens Rieks, Lanny Ripple,
> > John Rizzo, rkhill, Andrew Robbins, Amos Robinson, Jonathan Rockway,
> > Stefano Rodighiero, Andrew Rodland, Lindolfo Rodrigues, Bob Rogers,
> > Dave Rolsky, Dave Rolsky, David Romano, ron, Eric J. Roode,
> > Garret Rooney, Garrett Rooney, David Ross, Andreas Rottmann,
> > Brent Royal-Gordon, Shmarya Rubenstein, Sam Ruby, Simon Ruderich,
> > Daniel Ruoso, Jake Russo, ruz, Joseph Ryan, Gilbert Röhrbein,
> > Sam S, s1n, sahadev, Patrick Abi Salloum, salty_horse,
> > Chip Salzenberg, Shrivatsan Sampathkumar, Igor Rafael Sanchez-Puls,
> > Hugo van der Sanden, Thomas Sandlaß, Yun SangHo, sanug,
> > Siddhant Saraf, Sasho, Andrew Savige, John Saylor, Matt Schallert,
> > Bernhard Schmalhofer, Arthur Axel Schmidt, Ronald Schmidt,
> > Michael Schroeder, Steven Schubiger, Steve "thundergnat" Schulze,
> > Andreas Schwab, Randal L. Schwartz, Pepe Schwarz, Frederik Schwarzer,
> > Calvin Schwenzfeier, Michael G. Schwern, Steffen Schwigon,
> > Tom Scola, Ariel Scolnicov, Michael Scott, Peter Scott,
> > Rick Scott, Stefan Seifert, Austin Seipp, Mark Senn, Filip Sergot,
> > Seth Gold (Sgeo), William Shallum, Kris Shannon, shenyute,
> > Aaron Sherman, Mark Shoulson, Ryan Siemens, Ricardo Signes,
> > Hinrik Örn Sigurðsson, Jonathan Sillito, Miroslav Silovic,
> > Steve Simmons, Alberto Manuel Brandao Simoes, John Siracusa,
> > Arne Skjærholt, Barrie Slaymaker, Radek Slupik, Mike Small,
> > Benjamin Smith, Melvin Smith, Tim Smith, Adrian White aka
> > snarkyboojum, Richard Soderberg, SolidState, Vishal Soni, Syloke Soong,
> > Shawn Sorichetti, Tadeusz Sośnierz, sue spence, Cory Spencer,
> > Robert Spier, Michael Stapelberg, Edwin Steiner, stephenpollei,
> > Michael Stevens, Don Stewart, Radu Stoica, Klaas-Jan Stol,
> > Alek Storm, David Storrs, Mark Stosberg, Jonathan Stowe,
> > Cosimo Streppone, Jonathan Strickland, Pascal Stumpf, Su-Shee,
> > Sue, Laye Suen, Dan Sugalski, Mark Summerfield, Simon Sun,
> > Cheng-Lung Sung 宋政隆, Sunnavy, Samuel Sutch, svatsan,
> > svn, Andrew Sweger, sygi, Sebastian Sylvan, Gábor Szabó,
> > Bálint Szilakszi, Marek Šuppa, TOGoS, Arvindh Rajesh Tamilmani,
> > Audrey Tang 唐鳳, Bestian Tang 唐宗浩, Adrian Taylor,
> > Jesse Taylor, Philip Taylor, Kevin Tew, the_dormant, Marcus Thiesen,
> > Adam Thomason, Richard Tibbetts, Carey Tilden, Marcel Timmerman,
> > Leon Timmermans, tkob, John Tobey, Frank Tobin, Bennett Todd,
> > Graham Todd, Leopold Tötsch, Daniel Toma, Nathan Torkington,
> > Timothy Totten, John J. Trammell, Matt S. Trout, Nat Tuck,
> > Adam Turoff, Ben Tyler, ujwal, Bernd Ulmann, Reini Urban,
> > parrot user, uzair, VZ, Ilmari Vacklin, vamped, Wim Vanderbauwhede,
> > vendethiel, David Vergin, Ted Vessenes, Sam Vilain, Cédric Vincent,
> > Jesse Vincent, Jos Visser, John van Vlaanderen, vmax, Jeremy Voorhis,
> > Martin Vorländer, Johan Vromans, Maxim Vuets, Juerd Waalboer,
> > Mariano Wahlmann, Kevin Walker, Gloria Wall, Larry Wall, Lewis Wall,
> > Michal J Wallace, John Paul Wallington, walter, Matthew Walton,
> > Ting Wang, Xinyuan Wang, Andy Wardley, Bryan C. Warnock,
> > wayland, Stephen Weeks, Zhen-Bang Wei, Nick Wellnhofer,
> > Shu-Chun Weng, Danny Werner, Brian Wheeler, David E. Wheeler,
> > Dave Whipp, Adrian White, Andrew Whitworth, Bart Wiegmans,
> > Nathan Wiger, Brock Wilcox, Edwin Wiles, Bob Wilkinson,
> > Chris 'BinGOs' Williams, Greg Williams, Josh Wilmes, Matthew Wilson,
> > Ashley Winters, Brian Wisti, Dave Woldrich, Helmut Wollmersdorfer,
> > Kevin J. Woolley, Jonathan Worthington, Kuang-Che Wu 吳光哲,
> > xenu, Liang-Qi Xie 謝良奇, Xtreak, Gaal Yahas גל יחס,
> > Thomas Yandell, Alvis Yardley, Thomas Yeh 葉志宏, Natan Yellin,
> > yiyihu, Matt Youell, Tony Young, Shen, Yu-Teh, Ilya Zakharevich,
> > Ruslan Zakirov, Ahmad M. Zawawi, Michael A. D. Zedeler, zengargoyle,
> > zeriod, Agent Zhang 章亦春, Jimmy Zhuo, Ziggy6, Rob Zinkov,
> > Zoffix Znet
> >
> > If you would like to contribute or find out more information, visit
> > <>, <>, ask on the
> > <> mailing list, or ask on IRC #perl6 on freenode.
> >
> > The next release of Rakudo (#95), is tentatively scheduled for 16 January
> > 2016. A list of the other planned release dates is available in the
> > “docs/release_guide.pod” file.
> >
> > The development team appreciates feedback! If you’re using Rakudo, do
> > get back to us. Questions, comments, suggestions for improvements, cool
> > discoveries, incredible hacks, or any other feedback -- get in touch with
> > us through (the above-mentioned) mailing list or IRC channel. Enjoy!
> >
> > [^1]: See <>
> >
> > [^2]: See <>
> >
> > [^3]: See <>
> >
> > [^4]: What’s the difference between the Rakudo compiler and the Rakudo
> > Star distribution?
> >
> > The Rakudo compiler is a compiler for the Perl 6 language.
> > Not much more.
> >
> > The Rakudo Star distribution is the Rakudo compiler plus a selection
> > of useful Perl 6 modules, a module installer, the most recent
> > incarnation of the “Using Perl 6” book, and other software that can
> > be used with the Rakudo compiler to enhance its utility. Rakudo Star
> > is meant for early adopters who wish to explore what’s possible with
> > Rakudo Perl 6 and provide feedback on what works, what doesn’t, and
> > what else they would like to see included in the distribution.
> >
> >
> > --
> > Will "Coke" Coleda
> >

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