I asked in the spack-slack channel and was told to include the explicitly
link the gfortran associated with the gcc version I build petsc with.
Following that advice, I'm using gcc@7.3.0, linking gcc@7.3.0/lib64 in
FFLAGS and setting -g option to CFLAGS in my makefile.

Yet, somehow the executable still picks up the system gfortran (It picks
both libgfortran.so.4 and libgfortran.so.3). Anything else I missed trying?

PS: My makefile looks like this:

[sajid@xrm free_space]$ cat makefile


CFLAGS          = -g
FFLAGS          =
CPPFLAGS        =
FPPFLAGS        =
CLEANFILES      = ex_matlab

include ${PETSC_DIR}/lib/petsc/conf/variables
include ${PETSC_DIR}/lib/petsc/conf/rules

# your targets if any

include ${PETSC_DIR}/lib/petsc/conf/test

I've looked into the superludist and can confirm that it is indeed linked
to the system gfortran due to it's build error and since it's a petsc
dependency, it might be that this is where the system gfortran is coming in
instead of the newer gfortran associated with gcc-7.3.0 but I'm not sure.

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