"Smith, Barry F. via petsc-users" <petsc-users@mcs.anl.gov> writes:

>   So it sounds like spack is still mostly a "package manager" where people 
> use "static" packages and don't hack the package's code. This is not 
> unreasonable, no other package manager supports hacking a package's code 
> easily, presumably. The problem is that in the HPC world a "packaged"
> code is always incomplete and may need hacking or application of newly 
> generated patches and this is painful with static package managers so people 
> want to use the git repository directly and mange the build themselves which 
> negates the advantages of using a package manager.

I don't think people "want" to hack the packages that they don't
contribute to.  Spack provides pretty rapid distribution of patches.

What if PETSc had

  ./configure --with-mumps=spack

or some alternative that would check with spack to find a suitable
MUMPS, installing it (with Spack's dependency resolution) if not
available?  Then you could hack on PETSc with multiple PETSC_ARCH,
branches, incremental rebuilds, and testing, but not need to deal with
PETSc's crude package installation and upgrade mechanism.

Upon completion, the build could offer a yaml snippet for packages.yaml
in case the user wanted other Spack packages to use that PETSc.

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