Andreas Pflug wrote:
RaphaÃl Enrici wrote:

I can't login to the database with RC2 and Debian. I have a wxWidgets assert. Did I miss something or should I try the --disable-beer ?

#8  0x086317e5 in wxWcstr ()
#9  0x0862ba87 in wxString::wxString ()
#10 0x081b062b in pgConn::GetLastError (this=0x5) at string.h:919
#11 0x08216ea2 in pgServer::GetLastError (this=0x8c9f560) at string.h:228

Possibly PQerrorMessage from the libpq version you're using is returning NULL under some circumstances; catching it doesn't hurt so please try the new pgConn.cpp.

nope :( it does not solve the problem. But I think you were on the good way... Here is the error message reported by psql:

$ psql -d template1 -h localhost
psql: could not connect to server: ïïÙ
        Is the server running on host "localhost" and accepting
        TCP/IP connections on port 5432?

$ psql -d template1 -h localhost 2>&1 | cat -vet psql: could not connect to server: M-^HM-^]M-YM-7$ ^IIs the server running on host "localhost" and accepting$ ^ITCP/IP connections on port 5432?$

I found the right part of the message really strange and decided to take a look to debian bugs... It seems you were right :) Take a look at bug #277757 [1].
Apparently it's fixed upstream now and I bet there will be an update. BTW, it may be good if we could prevent this libpq bug from altering pgA3 runability.

So, here we go, I'm gonna reupload pga3 rc2 debian packages and precise there are some side effects in certain conditions due to libpq bugs.


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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