Seems my mail was lost... So I resend.
Here is what I was telling you.


Hi, this has been reported on pgadmin-hackers:

Seems to be a libpq problem solved in 8.0.
Note that the assert is due to a build with debug mode on which may not be good 
for a release

----Message d'origine----
>De: Troels Arvin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sujet: Re: [pgadmin-support] string.cpp assertion failure
>Date: Thu, 02 Dec 2004 10:39:08 +0100
>On Wed, 01 Dec 2004 21:29:52 +0100, I wrote:
>> Using pgadmin3 1.2.0[*] on Fedora Core 3, I get the following error when
>> trying to connect to a PostgreSQL 7.4.6 server on the same (local)host:
>>   src/common/string.cpp(1060): assert "nLen != (size_t)-1" failed.
>>   Do you want to stop the program?
>I now tried again, using a non-asserting build[1] on Fedora Core 3. When
>working in the en_US locale, I get the following error when trying to
>connect to a PostgreSQL instance which hasn't been started:
>  Error connecting to the server: could not connect to server:
>    Connection refused
>       Is the server running on host "" and accepting TCP/IP
>       connections on port 5432?
>But when working in the da_DK locale, I get:
>  En fejl opstod:
>  Error connecting to the server: 
>Is my translation buggy, or is it due to something else?
>By the way:
>Is there a timeout on how long pgadmin will try connecting? - I just made
>the error of setting the server address to while not being on
>an 192.168/16 network and not having a 192.168/16 interface. pgadmin was
>unresponsive for a _long_ time, and I ended up killing it.
>Note 1:
>Greetings from Troels Arvin, Copenhagen, Denmark
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