"Arthur Ward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> An idea just popped into my head, though. Perhaps I can create procedures
> in plpgsql and plpython which do nothing but spew notices (which would in
> turn be sent to syslog), and run one or two copies to see if they'll die
> on their own given sufficient time. That seems worthwhile, especially if I
> can get a deadlock in plpgsql, since it will take the blame away from both
> triggers and plpython. Does this sound like a reasonable experiment?


Note it seems possible that the failure occurs only during a particular
backend's first or second attempt to send something to syslog (since the
first attempt would do openlog).  So you should probably run a test that
involves sending only a few messages per session, rather than vast
numbers of messages from one session.

                        regards, tom lane

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