shreedhar wrote:
> Hi All,
> I Updated my Postgresql Server from 7.2.4 which came along with RH7.3 to
> 7.3.2. After updating I could not able to connect database through PHP. So I
> recompiled PHP4.1.2 (same version which have earlier in my system), even
> then I am not able to connect through PHP. Is there any other package has to
> be installed for this connection.
> Please some body help me out regarding. I am breaking my head since two
> days.
> Thanks for any idea.
> Regards,
> Sreedhar Bhaskararaju
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend
the only time I have received that error message is when
/usr/lib/php4/ was not installed on rh 9.0 installation of
server + kde + gnome. seems they didn't install php-pgsql.

to verify that your new php actualy has postgresql configured create
test file

run php -f test.php > test.html
view test.html with browser
and verify that made it into the
/usr/lib/php4 directory

hope this helps, I know my gooooogle search didn't, but the other rh 9.0
install did work and the only thing i did different was to check install
every thing
hope this helps

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

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