The following bug has been logged online:

Bug reference:      1092
Logged by:          Fred Eisele

Email address:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]

PostgreSQL version: 7.4

Operating system:   Debian/GNU unstable (kernel 2.6.3)

Description:        Memory Fault in PQsetdbLogin


When opening two connections using PQsetdbLogin one of the connections was 
apparently being dropped, and I would get segmentation errors. 
I rebuilt the program using dmalloc and it reported...
debug-malloc library: dumping program, fatal error
   Error: invalid allocation size (err 40)
...when PQsetdbLogin was called.
I replaced the call to PQsetdbLogin with an equivalent call to PQconnectdb.
dmalloc does not report any errors with PQconnectdb and the original two 
problems seem to have gone away. 
As far as I am concerned, deprecating PQsetdbLogin is an adequate fix.

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