On Thu, 2 Feb 2023 at 15:15, Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
> Looking at this diff made me wonder why the static pow10[] array
> isn't marked "const"?

Good point.

However, looking more closely, I think this function is more or less
completely broken:

1). It doesn't work if log10val2 < 0, because then m < 0, and it
doesn't multiply by the remainder. And it then throws an overflow
error, because result.dscale comes out wrong when m < 0.

2). The result.dscale calculation is wrong if log10val2 is a multiple
of DEC_DIGITS, causing it to drop the last 4 digits.

3). If the scaled-up dividend doesn't fit in an int64, the numeric
computation breaks if log10val2 >= 10 due to integer overflow.

So for example:

int64_div_fast_to_numeric(123456, -1) -> ERROR:  value overflows numeric format
int64_div_fast_to_numeric(123456, 0) -> ERROR:  value overflows numeric format
int64_div_fast_to_numeric(123456, 4) -> 12
int64_div_fast_to_numeric(123456, 8) -> 0.0012
int64_div_fast_to_numeric(1000000000000000000, 10) -> 709186959.9285992800

As it happens, none of the above represents a live bug, because we
currently only call it with log10val2 = 3 or 6, but it's definitely a
bug waiting to happen.

This was added by a2da77cdb4 ("Change return type of EXTRACT to
numeric"), so it only goes back as far as v14.

After hacking on it for a while, I ended up with the attached.

diff --git a/src/backend/utils/adt/numeric.c b/src/backend/utils/adt/numeric.c
new file mode 100644
index 08c8416..6bf6db6
--- a/src/backend/utils/adt/numeric.c
+++ b/src/backend/utils/adt/numeric.c
@@ -4235,7 +4235,7 @@ int64_to_numeric(int64 val)
- * Convert val1/(10**val2) to numeric.  This is much faster than normal
+ * Convert val1/(10**log10val2) to numeric.  This is much faster than normal
  * numeric division.
@@ -4243,59 +4243,78 @@ int64_div_fast_to_numeric(int64 val1, in
 	Numeric		res;
 	NumericVar	result;
-	int64		saved_val1 = val1;
+	int			rscale;
 	int			w;
 	int			m;
+	init_var(&result);
+	/* result scale */
+	rscale = log10val2 < 0 ? 0 : log10val2;
 	/* how much to decrease the weight by */
 	w = log10val2 / DEC_DIGITS;
-	/* how much is left */
+	/* how much is left to divide by */
 	m = log10val2 % DEC_DIGITS;
+	if (m < 0)
+	{
+		m += DEC_DIGITS;
+		w--;
+	}
-	 * If there is anything left, multiply the dividend by what's left, then
-	 * shift the weight by one more.
+	 * If there is anything left to divide by (10^m with 0 < m < DEC_DIGITS),
+	 * multiply the dividend by 10^(DEC_DIGITS - m), and shift the weight by
+	 * one more.
 	if (m > 0)
 #if DEC_DIGITS == 4
-		static int	pow10[] = {1, 10, 100, 1000};
+		static const int pow10[] = {1, 10, 100, 1000};
 #elif DEC_DIGITS == 2
-		static int	pow10[] = {1, 10};
+		static const int pow10[] = {1, 10};
 #elif DEC_DIGITS == 1
-		static int	pow10[] = {1};
+		static const int pow10[] = {1};
 #error unsupported NBASE
+		int64		factor = pow10[DEC_DIGITS - m];
+		int64		new_val1;
 		StaticAssertDecl(lengthof(pow10) == DEC_DIGITS, "mismatch with DEC_DIGITS");
-		if (unlikely(pg_mul_s64_overflow(val1, pow10[DEC_DIGITS - m], &val1)))
+		if (unlikely(pg_mul_s64_overflow(val1, factor, &new_val1)))
-			/*
-			 * If it doesn't fit, do the whole computation in numeric the slow
-			 * way.  Note that va1l may have been overwritten, so use
-			 * saved_val1 instead.
-			 */
-			int			val2 = 1;
+#ifdef HAVE_INT128
+			/* do the multiplication using 128-bit integers */
+			int128		tmp;
-			for (int i = 0; i < log10val2; i++)
-				val2 *= 10;
-			res = numeric_div_opt_error(int64_to_numeric(saved_val1), int64_to_numeric(val2), NULL);
-			res = DatumGetNumeric(DirectFunctionCall2(numeric_round,
-													  NumericGetDatum(res),
-													  Int32GetDatum(log10val2)));
-			return res;
+			tmp = (int128) val1 * (int128) factor;
+			int128_to_numericvar(tmp, &result);
+			/* do the multiplication using numerics */
+			NumericVar	tmp;
+			init_var(&tmp);
+			int64_to_numericvar(val1, &result);
+			int64_to_numericvar(factor, &tmp);
+			mul_var(&result, &tmp, &result, 0);
+			free_var(&tmp);
+		else
+			int64_to_numericvar(new_val1, &result);
-	init_var(&result);
-	int64_to_numericvar(val1, &result);
+	else
+		int64_to_numericvar(val1, &result);
 	result.weight -= w;
-	result.dscale += w * DEC_DIGITS - (DEC_DIGITS - m);
+	result.dscale = rscale;
 	res = make_result(&result);

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