On Mon, 17 Dec 2018 at 02:28, Thomas Kellerer <spam_ea...@gmx.net> wrote:

> Rob Sargent schrieb am 14.12.2018 um 19:28:
> > Using java 1.8, postgresql-42.1.4.jar, embedded tomcat 9
> >
> > It appears to me that I need to make the call
> > "Class.forName("org.postgresql.Driver)" when the entry is in a
> > servlet.  Is this expected, within a servlet, or is this just /post
> > hoc ergo propter hoc /at it finest and I changed something else
> > (wittingly or not).  Same code outside of servlet does not need the
> > forced loading of the class and the manual claims it's not need after
> > java 1.6
> Class.forName() is definitely not needed if the driver's JAR file is
> included in the classloader of the class requesting a connection.
> Where exactly did you put the JDBC driver's jar file?
> And what exactly is your main() method doing?
> If you look at Tomcat's startup script (catalina.sh or catalina.bat), it's
> obvious that setting up the claspath isn't that straightforward.
> My guess is, that that your main() method does something different
> and does not properly include the driver's jar in the classpath.

Servlet classpath issues are legendary. As Thomas points out setting up the
classpath for a servlet engine is not trivial.

Dave Cramer



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