
On Tue, Oct 26, 2021 at 10:55 PM Mark Dilger
<mark.dil...@enterprisedb.com> wrote:
> The trigger "my_table_trig" in the example is a per row trigger, but it 
> exists only to demonstrate that the rule has filtered out the appropriate 
> rows.  You can use the rule "my_table_rule" as written and a per statement 
> trigger, as here:

Oh, very interesting. I thought that this is not possible because WHEN
condition on triggers does not have NEW and OLD. But this is a very
cool way to combine rules with triggers, where a rule can still
operate by row.

Thank you for sharing this!

> Note that there is a performance cost to storing the old rows using the 
> REFERENCING clause of the trigger

Yea, by moving the trivial update check to a rule, I need REFERENCING
only to see if there were any changes at all. This seems a bit
excessive. Is there a way to check if any rows have been affected by
an UPDATE inside a per statement trigger without using REFERENCING?

> Note that I used equality and inequality rather than IS DISTINCT FROM and IS 
> NOT DISTINCT FROM in the design, but you should think about how NULL values 
> (old, new, or both) will behave in the solution you choose.

I have just now tested the following rule:

CREATE RULE filter_trivial_updates AS ON UPDATE TO my_table WHERE NEW

and it looks like it works well. It sidesteps the issue around
equality operator for type json and also just compares nulls as just
another value (which I would like). Not sure how it is performance
wise in comparison with listing all columns and using the regular
equality operator.

I also notice that you check if a table has any rows with:

SELECT true INTO have_rows FROM old_values LIMIT 1;
IF have_rows THEN ...

Is this just a question of style or is this a better approach than my:

PERFORM * FROM old_values LIMIT 1;



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