On Wed, Mar 6, 2024 at 7:19 PM David Gauthier <dfgpostg...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi:
> I'm a PG user in a big corp with an IT dept that administers a PG
> server/instance that I use.  It's an old install, v11.5, and we need to
> upgrade to v15.3.  They want to bring the upgraded DB up on a new linux vm
> which has OS upgrades of its own.  So it's a move AND an upgrade.

Have them upgrade the current server to 11*.22*.  It's trivially easy, with
only a few minutes of down time.

Remember (and tell your IT dept) that PG point releases do not add new
features: only bug fixes.  That means point releases aren't nearly as risky
as other products.

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