On Tue, Apr 30, 2024 at 11:57 AM Gaurav Pant <gauravpant...@gmail.com>

> I wanted to know if there is any such system table that we can use to
> identify and map the fields containing large objects and the respective
> tables and if it is not already there, do we have any plans to incorporate
> the same in pg_class like we have for pg_toast?

Large Objects are nothing like TOAST.  There is no system level association
between large objects and tables.  Sure, the DBA can choose to store a
large object OID in a table, but how you'd go about figuring out which
columns contain those is going to be installation specific.  Though
hopefully they used a bigint data type and maybe added "oid" to the column
name...I suppose it would be interesting if one could define a FK on a
table and point it at pg_largeobject_metadata but that I suspect would be
the extent to which we'd do something along the lines of your request.

David J.

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