Running Postgres 15.3 with PostGIS 3.3
On Windows 10 (yes, I know)

It's a single node db with no replication, topping out at about 200GB.

We have a schema (A) in the default 'postgres' maintenance database, which our 
software services connect to, with one set of users (SU)

We have another database, let's call it LFM, which contains reference data for 
some COTS software.  I don't know what's in it, we just get given updates for 
it in pg_backup binary files, about 2MB each.
This is accessed by a different postgres user (LFU) supplied to the COTS tool.

To apply an update, we:
  stop the applications that use LFM,
  set the user (LFU) to NOLOGIN
  kill any left-over connections: select 
pg_terminate_backend( FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE 
pg_stat_activity.datname = 'lfm' and usename = 'lfu';
  drop the existing reference database using the dropDb utility.
  reload the new file using pg_restore and the postgres super user.
  set the user (LFU) to LOGIN

Other services connecting to the default db, with SU users should keep running 
with no dropouts.

This works, some of the time.
If I repeat the update process, somewhere around run #4 the auto analyzer stops 
working, and only analyzes tables in the new db at the point of reload, then 
shuts off again.
All vacuum and analyze operations on the 'postgres' database just stops, even 
though there is still data processing into it.

With log_autovacuum_min_duration = 0, we are logging all vacuum & analyze 
operations, so we can see when the entries shut off in the Postgres log files, 
2024-05-02 14:52:01.597 GMT [6896]: [23-1] db=,user=,app=,client= LOG:  
automatic analyze of table "lfm.pg_catalog.pg_trigger"

The only way I can find of getting the analyzer back is to restart Postgres.

We've narrowed the cause down to the pg_restore, but have no idea where to go 
from here.
Can anyone help stand the anaylzer back up please?

Most configs are left at default, (apart from memory settings) but we currently 
autovacuum_max_workers = 10
log_autovacuum_min_duration = 0


Phil Horder
Database Mechanic

Thales Land & Air Systems

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