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Suresh Gupta VG wrote:

I got the logs as below from log file of PGSQL 7.4.2 on Solaris-9. Can
any one please give the exact meaning of it. And I have not found the
file any where on the server  "0000000400000072".

LOG: recycled transaction log file "0000000400000072"

The write-ahead-log (WAL) stores transactions in 16MB files. It keeps several of these around and renames them (recycles) rather than deleting old ones and creating new ones all the time.

And I found most of the logged file contains the following statements.

LOG:  unexpected EOF on client connection

Client dropped the connection without closing it cleanly.

WARNING:  there is no transaction in progress

Something is issuing ROLLBACK/COMMIT while no explicit transaction has been started.

WARNING:  there is already a transaction in progress

Something is issuing BEGIN after it's already been issued.

Can I get the exact date and time of these logged statements. And what
is the meaning of these statements.

Sure - see the logging section of postgresql.conf and the relevant section of the manuals. You can add timestamps, user-names, client IP addresses etc.

  Richard Huxton
  Archonet Ltd

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