Kevin Kempter wrote:
On Wednesday 05 March 2008 20:33:43 Conor McTernan wrote:
I was wondering if anyone knows of any good ER Diagram tools for
Postgres that run on Linux.

If you're not against paying there is dbwrench <>.

Java so it could be a bit of a problem because at the time I used it it required a JRE that had some FOSS issues. :-)


I have been using DBDesigner by FabForce for a couple of years, but
development has stopped while MySQL workbench is being built (for
windows only). Neither of these applications will talk to Postgres and
I've found DBDesigner to be a bit buggy at the best of times (it's
still quite good and better than nothing I suppose).

I've been using PgAdmin3 which is great for updating/managing
tables/view etc, but I would really like something for modelling ER
diagrams which will talk directly to Postgres.

Does anyone know of any commercial or open source software that will do



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