On Wed, 2009-03-25 at 23:12 +0530, Phoenix Kiula wrote:
> Hi. I have a questionf or people who run high traffic websites.

> My question: What's the high end recommendation? Is the following
> config of 4 x quadcore Dunnington Intels with 4 disks on RAID 10 be
> good enough for the above sites? Can I run a database on this config
> of servers for my kind of traffic, or do I need a separate one for PG?
> I suppose the traffic will grow large quite quickly so the 300GB may
> be low, but that we can add as we go along.

A 4 Disk RAID 10 will give you ~ 100MBs random write per second, max.
What type of IO are you using now? (This is also assumes an actual
decent RAID controller).

Joshua D. Drake

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