I don't know plpythonu but python ;-) As I really understood your problem you want to return strings. In Pytho return("OK" ) should work ;-)


Sim Zacks wrote:

I have the following function and I am getting an invalid syntax error
when I try to run it. I have tried the function a number of ways
including with named parameters and non-named parameters using the
args array. I also tried it with a tab at the beginning and without.
I've also tried with the $$ and with single quotes and the double
single quoting all the existing single quotes.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

create or replace function BatchBalanceStatus(balance int, needed int, freestock int) 
returns varchar as
       if balance < 0:
               return 'Unhandled'
       elif freestock >= needed:
               return 'OK'
               return 'Ordered'
$$ language plpythonu

Thank You
Sim Zacks
IT Manager
04-829-0145 - Office
04-832-5251 - Fax

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