On 10/19/2004 7:11 AM, Raymond O'Donnell wrote:

On 18 Oct 2004 at 17:38, Eric wrote:

It is possible to mainteners of this list to keep this list from
"/$?%/$?/? windows problems? I don't care about windows. The worst
thing never made was porting an excellent product like PostgreSQL to a
poor server OS like windows.

Now, we are invade with users that aren't used to read the manual...
even the howto install readme!!!  Users that have problems often relate
to bug in OS...

It's very unfair to confuse users of Windows with users who don't RTFM.

The opinion expressed above is also totally at odds with what I have come to expect on this list - friendly, professional, expert help, not to mention reasoned debate.

The PostgreSQL team has not spent a great deal of effort porting the database system to the Win32 platform in order to have people like Eric spoil the reputation of our mailing lists.

If Eric doesn't care about windows, he can ignore discussions related to it. If he doesn't want to see messages related to it, maybe he can show his capabilities to RTFM by setting up appropriate procmail filters. Or does this sound too difficult to you, Eric?


# It's easier to get forgiveness for being wrong than for being right. #
# Let's break this rule - forgive me.                                  #
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