Oleg Bartunov wrote:
On Sun, 20 Mar 2005, Joshua D. Drake wrote:

My understanding is that 8.1 will have a much more mature implementation of
stored procedures versus UDFs (Which we have had forever).

What's the difference between UDF and stored procedure ?

Here are a couple of GGIYF references:


They are similar but they offer different functionality. At least in
the sense of the other databases.

Hmm, the only real difference I see - is that SP are precompiled. I think we should clearly outline what is SP and what is UDF and do we are working on SP or just improving and extending our functions.

I always thought that the big difference was that a SP can start and end top level transactions whereas UDFs must execute within the scope of a transaction started by the caller. The above article doesn't mention this at all.

Thomas Hallgren

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