On 2022/02/17 19:35, kuroda.hay...@fujitsu.com wrote:
Dear Horiguchi-san,

I think we just don't need to add the special timeout kind to the
core.  postgres_fdw can use USER_TIMEOUT and it would be suffiction to
keep running health checking regardless of transaction state then fire
query cancel if disconnection happens. As I said in the previous main,
possible extra query cancel woud be safe.

Sounds reasonable to me.

I finally figured out that you mentioned about user-defined timeout system.
Firstly - before posting to hackers - I designed like that,
but I was afraid of an overhead that many FDW registers timeout
and call setitimer() many times. Is it too overcautious?

Isn't it a very special case where many FDWs use their own user timeouts? Could 
you tell me the assumption that you're thinking, especially how many FDWs are 


Fujii Masao
Advanced Computing Technology Center
Research and Development Headquarters

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