On Mon, 27 Jun 2022 at 11:12, Julien Rouhaud <rjuju...@gmail.com> wrote:

> More generally, I'm -0.5 on the feature.
> I prefer to force using SQL-compliant queries, and also not take bad
> habits.

As to forcing SQL-complaint queries, that ship sailed a long time ago:
Postgres allows but does not enforce the use of SQL-compliant queries, and
many of its important features are extensions anyway, so forcing SQL
compliant queries is out of the question (although I could see the utility
of a mode where it warns or errors on non-compliant queries, at least in

As to bad habits, I'm having trouble understanding. Why do you think
leaving the alias off a subquery is a bad habit (assuming it were allowed)?
If the name is never used, why are we required to supply it?

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