Hi, thanks a lot for your reply!

> Why do you think this is an improvement?

I hit the issue in Greenplum Database (Massively Parallel Postgres),
the MPP architecture is that coordinator dispatch statement to segments.
The dispatch logic is quit different for AlterTable and CreateTableLike:

* alter table: for each sub command, it will not dispatch; later it will
  the alter table statement as a whole.
* for create table like statement, like `create table t (like t1 including
  this statement's 2nd stmt, has to dispatch to segments, but now it is
  as alter table, the dispatch logic is broken for this case in Greenplum.

I look into the issue and Greenplum Database wants to keep align with
as possible. That is why I ask if we can force it to false.

Zhenghua Lyu

Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> 于2022年11月18日周五 06:26写道:

> =?UTF-8?B?5q2j5Y2O5ZCV?= <kain...@gmail.com> writes:
> >   Recently read the code, I find that when calling DefineIndex
> >   from ProcessUtilitySlow, is_alter_table will be set true if
> >   this statement is came from expandTableLikeClause.
> Yeah.
> >   Based on the above, I think  we can always a false value
> >   for is_alter_table when DefineIndex is called from
> >   ProcessUtilitySlow.
> Why do you think this is an improvement?  Even if it's correct,
> the code savings is so negligible that I'm not sure I want to
> expend brain cells on figuring out whether it's correct.  The
> comment you want to remove does not suggest that it's optional
> which value we should pass, so I think the burden of proof
> is to show that this patch is okay not that somebody else
> has to demonstrate that it isn't.
>                         regards, tom lane

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