On Sun, Nov 27, 2022 at 03:39:44PM +0800, Julien Rouhaud wrote:
> Le dim. 27 nov. 2022 à 15:31, Ian Lawrence Barwick
> >
> > I'm trying to reconcile open CommitFest entries with their actual
> > status; the entry for this:
> >
> >   https://commitfest.postgresql.org/40/3558/
> >
> > shows as "Waiting on Author", but looks like it's all been committed;
> > is there anything
> > left to do on this?
> >
> right the CF entry is out of date. there's still the additional tap test
> that needs to be taken care of. I sent a new version recently that works on
> windows CI, so I guess the correct status should now be needs review,
> although the latest patchset probably doesn't apply anymore since the first
> patch has been committed. I'm traveling today I'll try to send a rebased
> version in the evening

And here's the rebased patch for the TAP tests.  I will switch the CF entry to
Needs Review.
>From 8c0c6f9f477c8f1a28d475267f3bdca59c84ed86 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Julien Rouhaud <julien.rouh...@free.fr>
Date: Thu, 24 Nov 2022 14:20:22 +0800
Subject: [PATCH v23] Add regression tests for file inclusion in HBA end ident
 configuration files

Author: Julien Rouhaud
Reviewed-by: FIXME
Discussion: https://postgr.es/m/20220223045959.35ipdsvbxcstrhya@jrouhaud
 src/test/authentication/meson.build           |   1 +
 .../authentication/t/004_file_inclusion.pl    | 722 ++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 723 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 src/test/authentication/t/004_file_inclusion.pl

diff --git a/src/test/authentication/meson.build 
index c2b48c43c9..cfc23fa213 100644
--- a/src/test/authentication/meson.build
+++ b/src/test/authentication/meson.build
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ tests += {
+      't/004_file_inclusion.pl',
diff --git a/src/test/authentication/t/004_file_inclusion.pl 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1be807c0a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/authentication/t/004_file_inclusion.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,722 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2021-2022, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
+# Set of tests for authentication and pg_hba.conf inclusion.
+# This test can only run with Unix-domain sockets.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use PostgreSQL::Test::Cluster;
+use PostgreSQL::Test::Utils;
+use Test::More;
+use Time::HiRes qw(usleep);
+use IPC::Run    qw(pump finish timer);
+use Data::Dumper;
+if (!$use_unix_sockets)
+       plan skip_all =>
+         "authentication tests cannot run without Unix-domain sockets";
+# stores the current line counter for each file.  hba_rule and ident_rule are
+# fake file names used for the global rule number for each auth view.
+my %cur_line = ('hba_rule' => 1, 'ident_rule' => 1);
+my $hba_file   = 'subdir1/pg_hba_custom.conf';
+my $ident_file = 'subdir2/pg_ident_custom.conf';
+# Initialize primary node
+my $node = PostgreSQL::Test::Cluster->new('primary');
+my $data_dir = $node->data_dir;
+# Normalize the data directory for Windows
+$data_dir =~ s/\/\.\//\//g;    # reduce /./ to /
+$data_dir =~ s/\/\//\//g;      # reduce // to /
+$data_dir =~ s/\/$//;          # remove trailing /
+$data_dir =~ s/\\/\//g;        # change \ to /
+# Add the given payload to the given relative HBA file of the given node.
+# This function maintains the %cur_line metadata, so it has to be called in the
+# expected inclusion evaluation order in order to keep it in sync.
+# If the payload starts with "include" or "ignore", the function doesn't
+# increase the general hba rule number.
+# If an err_str is provided, it returns an arrayref containing the provided
+# filename, the current line number in that file and the provided err_str.  The
+# err_str has to be a valid regex string.
+# Otherwise it only returns the line number of the payload in the wanted file.
+# This function has to be called in the expected inclusion evaluation order to
+# keep the %cur_line information in sync.
+sub add_hba_line
+       my $node     = shift;
+       my $filename = shift;
+       my $payload  = shift;
+       my $err_str  = shift;
+       my $globline;
+       my $fileline;
+       my @tokens;
+       my $line;
+       # Append the payload to the given file
+       $node->append_conf($filename, $payload);
+       # Get the current %cur_line counter for the file
+       if (not defined $cur_line{$filename})
+       {
+               $cur_line{$filename} = 1;
+       }
+       $fileline = $cur_line{$filename}++;
+       # Include directive, don't generate an underlying pg_hba_file_rules line
+       # but make sure we incremented the %cur_line counter.
+       # Also ignore line beginning with "ignore", for content of files that
+       # should not being included
+       if ($payload =~ qr/^(include|ignore)/)
+       {
+               if (defined $err_str)
+               {
+                       return [ $filename, $fileline, $err_str ];
+               }
+               else
+               {
+                       return $fileline;
+               }
+       }
+       # Get (and increment) the global rule number
+       $globline = $cur_line{'hba_rule'}++;
+       # If caller provided an err_str, just returns the needed metadata
+       if (defined $err_str)
+       {
+               return [ $filename, $fileline, $err_str ];
+       }
+       # Otherwise, generate the expected pg_hba_file_rules line
+       @tokens    = split(/ /, $payload);
+       $tokens[1] = '{' . $tokens[1] . '}';    # database
+       $tokens[2] = '{' . $tokens[2] . '}';    # user_name
+       # add empty address and netmask betweed user_name and auth_method
+       splice @tokens, 3, 0, '';
+       splice @tokens, 3, 0, '';
+       # append empty options and error
+       push @tokens, '';
+       push @tokens, '';
+       # generate the expected final line
+       $line = "";
+       $line .= "\n" if ($globline > 1);
+       $line .= "$globline|$data_dir/$filename|$fileline|";
+       $line .= join('|', @tokens);
+       return $line;
+# Add the given payload to the given relative ident file of the given node.
+# Same as add_hba_line but for pg_ident files
+sub add_ident_line
+       my $node     = shift;
+       my $filename = shift;
+       my $payload  = shift;
+       my $err_str  = shift;
+       my $globline;
+       my $fileline;
+       my @tokens;
+       my $line;
+       # Append the payload to the given file
+       $node->append_conf($filename, $payload);
+       # Get the current %cur_line counter for the file
+       if (not defined $cur_line{$filename})
+       {
+               $cur_line{$filename} = 1;
+       }
+       $fileline = $cur_line{$filename}++;
+       # Include directive, don't generate an underlying pg_hba_file_rules line
+       # but make sure we incremented the %cur_line counter.
+       # Also ignore line beginning with "ignore", for content of files that
+       # should not being included
+       if ($payload =~ qr/^(include|ignore)/)
+       {
+               if (defined $err_str)
+               {
+                       return [ $filename, $fileline, $err_str ];
+               }
+               else
+               {
+                       return $fileline;
+               }
+       }
+       # Get (and increment) the global rule number
+       $globline = $cur_line{'ident_rule'}++;
+       # If caller provided an err_str, just returns the needed metadata
+       if (defined $err_str)
+       {
+               return [ $filename, $fileline, $err_str ];
+       }
+       # Otherwise, generate the expected pg_ident_file_mappings line
+       @tokens = split(/ /, $payload);
+       # append empty error
+       push @tokens, '';
+       # generate the expected final line
+       $line = "";
+       $line .= "\n" if ($globline > 1);
+       $line .= "$globline|$data_dir/$filename|$fileline|";
+       $line .= join('|', @tokens);
+       return $line;
+# Delete pg_hba.conf from the given node, add various entries to test the
+# include infrastructure and then execute a reload to refresh it.
+sub generate_valid_auth_files
+       my $node           = shift;
+       my $hba_expected   = '';
+       my $ident_expected = '';
+       # customise main auth file names
+       $node->safe_psql('postgres',
+               "ALTER SYSTEM SET hba_file = '$data_dir/$hba_file'");
+       $node->safe_psql('postgres',
+               "ALTER SYSTEM SET ident_file = '$data_dir/$ident_file'");
+       # and make original ones invalid to be sure they're not used anywhere
+       $node->append_conf('pg_hba.conf',   "some invalid line");
+       $node->append_conf('pg_ident.conf', "some invalid line");
+       # pg_hba stuff
+       mkdir("$data_dir/subdir1");
+       mkdir("$data_dir/hba_inc");
+       mkdir("$data_dir/hba_inc_if");
+       mkdir("$data_dir/hba_pos");
+       # Make sure we will still be able to connect
+       $hba_expected .= add_hba_line($node, "$hba_file", 'local all all 
+       # Add include data
+       add_hba_line($node, "$hba_file", "include ../pg_hba_pre.conf");
+       $hba_expected .=
+         add_hba_line($node, 'pg_hba_pre.conf', "local pre all reject");
+       $hba_expected .= add_hba_line($node, "$hba_file", "local all all 
+       add_hba_line($node, "$hba_file", "include ../hba_pos/pg_hba_pos.conf");
+       $hba_expected .=
+         add_hba_line($node, 'hba_pos/pg_hba_pos.conf', "local pos all 
+       # include is relative to current path
+       add_hba_line($node, 'hba_pos/pg_hba_pos.conf',
+               "include pg_hba_pos2.conf");
+       $hba_expected .= add_hba_line($node, 'hba_pos/pg_hba_pos2.conf',
+               "local pos2 all reject");
+       # include_if_exists data
+       add_hba_line($node, "$hba_file", "include_if_exists 
+       add_hba_line($node, "$hba_file", "include_if_exists 
+       $hba_expected .=
+         add_hba_line($node, 'hba_inc_if/some', "local if_some all reject");
+       # include_dir data
+       add_hba_line($node, "$hba_file", "include_dir ../hba_inc");
+       add_hba_line($node, 'hba_inc/garbageconf',
+               "ignore - should not be included");
+       $hba_expected .=
+         add_hba_line($node, 'hba_inc/01_z.conf', "local dir_z all reject");
+       $hba_expected .=
+         add_hba_line($node, 'hba_inc/02_a.conf', "local dir_a all reject");
+       # secondary auth file
+       add_hba_line($node, $hba_file, 'local @../dbnames.conf all reject');
+       $node->append_conf('dbnames.conf', "db1");
+       $node->append_conf('dbnames.conf', "db3");
+       $hba_expected .= "\n"
+         . ($cur_line{'hba_rule'} - 1)
+         . "|$data_dir/$hba_file|"
+         . ($cur_line{$hba_file} - 1)
+         . '|local|{db1,db3}|{all}|||reject||';
+       # pg_ident stuff
+       mkdir("$data_dir/subdir2");
+       mkdir("$data_dir/ident_inc");
+       mkdir("$data_dir/ident_inc_if");
+       mkdir("$data_dir/ident_pos");
+       # Add include data
+       add_ident_line($node, "$ident_file", "include ../pg_ident_pre.conf");
+       $ident_expected .=
+         add_ident_line($node, 'pg_ident_pre.conf', "pre foo bar");
+       $ident_expected .= add_ident_line($node, "$ident_file", "test a b");
+       add_ident_line($node, "$ident_file",
+               "include ../ident_pos/pg_ident_pos.conf");
+       $ident_expected .=
+         add_ident_line($node, 'ident_pos/pg_ident_pos.conf', "pos foo bar");
+       # include is relative to current path
+       add_ident_line($node, 'ident_pos/pg_ident_pos.conf',
+               "include pg_ident_pos2.conf");
+       $ident_expected .=
+         add_ident_line($node, 'ident_pos/pg_ident_pos2.conf', "pos2 foo bar");
+       # include_if_exists data
+       add_ident_line($node, "$ident_file",
+               "include_if_exists ../ident_inc_if/none");
+       add_ident_line($node, "$ident_file",
+               "include_if_exists ../ident_inc_if/some");
+       $ident_expected .=
+         add_ident_line($node, 'ident_inc_if/some', "if_some foo bar");
+       # include_dir data
+       add_ident_line($node, "$ident_file", "include_dir ../ident_inc");
+       add_ident_line($node, 'ident_inc/garbageconf',
+               "ignore - should not be included");
+       $ident_expected .=
+         add_ident_line($node, 'ident_inc/01_z.conf', "dir_z foo bar");
+       $ident_expected .=
+         add_ident_line($node, 'ident_inc/02_a.conf', "dir_a foo bar");
+       $node->restart;
+       $node->connect_ok('dbname=postgres',
+               'Connection ok after generating valid auth files');
+       return ($hba_expected, $ident_expected);
+# Delete pg_hba.conf and pg_ident.conf from the given node and add minimal
+# entries to allow authentication.
+sub reset_auth_files
+       my $node = shift;
+       unlink("$data_dir/$hba_file");
+       unlink("$data_dir/$ident_file");
+       %cur_line = ('hba_rule' => 1, 'ident_rule' => 1);
+       return add_hba_line($node, "$hba_file", 'local all all trust');
+# Generate a list of expected error regex for the given array of error
+# conditions, as generated by add_hba_line/add_ident_line with an err_str.
+# 2 regex are generated per array entry: one for the given err_str, and one for
+# the expected line in the specific file.  Since all lines are independant,
+# there's no guarantee that a specific failure regex and the per-line regex
+# will match the same error.  Calling code should add at least one test with a
+# single error to make sure that the line number / file name is correct.
+# On top of that, an extra line is generated for the general failure to process
+# the main auth file.
+sub generate_log_err_patterns
+       my $node       = shift;
+       my $raw_errors = shift;
+       my $is_hba_err = shift;
+       my @errors;
+       foreach my $arr (@{$raw_errors})
+       {
+               my $filename = @{$arr}[0];
+               my $fileline = @{$arr}[1];
+               my $err_str  = @{$arr}[2];
+               push @errors, qr/$err_str/;
+               # Context messages with the file / line location aren't always 
+               if (    $err_str !~ /maximum nesting depth exceeded/
+                       and $err_str !~ /could not open file/)
+               {
+                       push @errors,
+                         qr/line $fileline of configuration file 
+               }
+       }
+       push @errors, qr/could not load $data_dir\/$hba_file/ if ($is_hba_err);
+       return \@errors;
+# Generate the expected output for the auth file view error reporting (file
+# name, file line, error), for the given array of error conditions, as
+# generated generated by add_hba_line/add_ident_line with an err_str.
+sub generate_log_err_rows
+       my $node       = shift;
+       my $raw_errors = shift;
+       my $exp_rows   = '';
+       foreach my $arr (@{$raw_errors})
+       {
+               my $filename = @{$arr}[0];
+               my $fileline = @{$arr}[1];
+               my $err_str  = @{$arr}[2];
+               $exp_rows .= "\n" if ($exp_rows ne "");
+               # Unescape regex patterns if any
+               $err_str =~ s/\\([\(\)])/$1/g;
+               $exp_rows .= "|$data_dir\/$filename|$fileline|$err_str";
+       }
+       return $exp_rows;
+# Reset the main auth files, append the given payload to the given config file,
+# and check that the instance cannot start, raising the expected error line(s).
+sub start_errors_like
+       my $node        = shift;
+       my $file        = shift;
+       my $payload     = shift;
+       my $pattern     = shift;
+       my $should_fail = shift;
+       reset_auth_files($node);
+       $node->append_conf($file, $payload);
+       unlink($node->logfile);
+       my $ret =
+         PostgreSQL::Test::Utils::system_log('pg_ctl', '-D', $data_dir,
+               '-l', $node->logfile, 'start');
+       if ($should_fail)
+       {
+               ok($ret != 0, "Cannot start postgres with faulty $file");
+       }
+       else
+       {
+               ok($ret == 0, "postgres can start with faulty $file");
+       }
+       my $log_contents = slurp_file($node->logfile);
+       foreach (@{$pattern})
+       {
+               like($log_contents, $_, "Expected failure found in the logs");
+       }
+       if (not $should_fail)
+       {
+               # We can't simply call $node->stop here as the call is 
optimized out
+               # when the server isn't started with $node->start.
+               my $ret =
+                 PostgreSQL::Test::Utils::system_log('pg_ctl', '-D',
+                       $data_dir, 'stop', '-m', 'fast');
+               ok($ret == 0, "Could stop postgres");
+       }
+# We should be able to connect, and see an empty pg_ident.conf
+is($node->psql('postgres', 'SELECT count(*) FROM pg_ident_file_mappings'),
+       qq(0), 'pg_ident.conf is empty');
+# part 1, test view reporting for valid data
+my ($exp_hba, $exp_ident) = generate_valid_auth_files($node);
+$node->connect_ok('dbname=postgres', 'Connection still ok');
+is($node->safe_psql('postgres', 'SELECT * FROM pg_hba_file_rules'),
+       qq($exp_hba), 'pg_hba_file_rules content is expected');
+is($node->safe_psql('postgres', 'SELECT * FROM pg_ident_file_mappings'),
+       qq($exp_ident), 'pg_ident_file_mappings content is expected');
+# part 2, test log reporting for invalid data
+       'Connection ok after resetting auth files');
+       $node,
+       $hba_file,
+       "include ../not_a_file",
+       [
+               qr/could not open file "$data_dir\/not_a_file": No such file or 
+               qr/could not load $data_dir\/$hba_file/
+       ],
+       1);
+# include_dir, single included file
+add_hba_line($node, "hba_inc_fail/inc_dir.conf", "local all all reject");
+add_hba_line($node, "hba_inc_fail/inc_dir.conf", "local all all reject");
+add_hba_line($node, "hba_inc_fail/inc_dir.conf", "local all all reject");
+add_hba_line($node, "hba_inc_fail/inc_dir.conf", "not_a_token");
+       $node,
+       $hba_file,
+       "include_dir ../hba_inc_fail",
+       [
+               qr/invalid connection type "not_a_token"/,
+               qr/line 4 of configuration file 
+               qr/could not load $data_dir\/$hba_file/
+       ],
+       1);
+# include_dir, single included file with nested inclusion
+my @hba_raw_errors_step1;
+add_hba_line($node, "hba_inc_fail/inc_dir.conf", "include file1");
+add_hba_line($node, "hba_inc_fail/file1", "include file2");
+add_hba_line($node, "hba_inc_fail/file2", "local all all reject");
+add_hba_line($node, "hba_inc_fail/file2", "include file3");
+add_hba_line($node, "hba_inc_fail/file3", "local all all reject");
+add_hba_line($node, "hba_inc_fail/file3", "local all all reject");
+push @hba_raw_errors_step1,
+  add_hba_line(
+       $node, "hba_inc_fail/file3",
+       "local all all zuul",
+       'invalid authentication method "zuul"');
+       $node, $hba_file,
+       "include_dir ../hba_inc_fail",
+       generate_log_err_patterns($node, \@hba_raw_errors_step1, 1), 1);
+# start_errors_like will reset the main auth files, so the previous error won't
+# occur again.  We keep it around as we will put back both bogus inclusions for
+# the tests at step 3.
+my @hba_raw_errors_step2;
+# include_if_exists, with various problems
+push @hba_raw_errors_step2,
+  add_hba_line($node, "hba_if_exists.conf", "local",
+       "end-of-line before database specification");
+push @hba_raw_errors_step2,
+  add_hba_line($node, "hba_if_exists.conf", "local,host",
+       "multiple values specified for connection type");
+push @hba_raw_errors_step2,
+  add_hba_line($node, "hba_if_exists.conf", "local all",
+       "end-of-line before role specification");
+push @hba_raw_errors_step2,
+  add_hba_line(
+       $node, "hba_if_exists.conf",
+       "local all all",
+       "end-of-line before authentication method");
+push @hba_raw_errors_step2,
+  add_hba_line(
+       $node, "hba_if_exists.conf",
+       "host all all test/42",
+       'specifying both host name and CIDR mask is invalid: "test/42"');
+push @hba_raw_errors_step2,
+  add_hba_line(
+       $node,
+       "hba_if_exists.conf",
+       'local @dbnames_fails.conf all reject',
+       "could not open file \"$data_dir/dbnames_fails.conf\": No such file or 
+  );
+add_hba_line($node, "hba_if_exists.conf", "include recurse.conf");
+push @hba_raw_errors_step2,
+  add_hba_line(
+       $node,
+       "recurse.conf",
+       "include recurse.conf",
+       "could not open file \"$data_dir/recurse.conf\": maximum nesting depth 
+  );
+# Generate the regex for the expected errors in the logs.  There's no guarantee
+# that the generated "line X of file..." will be emitted for the expected line,
+# but previous tests already ensured that the correct line number / file name
+# was emitted, so ensuring that there's an error in all expected lines is
+# enough here.
+my $expected_errors =
+  generate_log_err_patterns($node, \@hba_raw_errors_step2, 1);
+# Not an error, but it should raise a message in the logs.  Manually add an
+# extra log message to detect
+add_hba_line($node, "hba_if_exists.conf", "include_if_exists if_exists_none");
+push @{$expected_errors},
+  qr/skipping missing authentication file "$data_dir\/if_exists_none"/;
+start_errors_like($node, $hba_file, "include_if_exists ../hba_if_exists.conf",
+       $expected_errors, 1);
+# Mostly the same, but for ident files
+my @ident_raw_errors_step1;
+# include_dir, single included file with nested inclusion
+add_ident_line($node, "ident_inc_fail/inc_dir.conf", "include file1");
+add_ident_line($node, "ident_inc_fail/file1", "include file2");
+add_ident_line($node, "ident_inc_fail/file2", "ok ok ok");
+add_ident_line($node, "ident_inc_fail/file2", "include file3");
+add_ident_line($node, "ident_inc_fail/file3", "ok ok ok");
+add_ident_line($node, "ident_inc_fail/file3", "ok ok ok");
+push @ident_raw_errors_step1,
+  add_ident_line(
+       $node, "ident_inc_fail/file3",
+       "failmap /(fail postgres",
+       'invalid regular expression "\(fail": parentheses \(\) not balanced');
+       $node, $ident_file,
+       "include_dir ../ident_inc_fail",
+       generate_log_err_patterns($node, \@ident_raw_errors_step1, 0), 0);
+# start_errors_like will reset the main auth files, so the previous error won't
+# occur again.  We keep it around as we will put back both bogus inclusions for
+# the tests at step 3.
+my @ident_raw_errors_step2;
+# include_if_exists, with various problems
+push @ident_raw_errors_step2,
+  add_ident_line($node, "ident_if_exists.conf", "map",
+       "missing entry at end of line");
+push @ident_raw_errors_step2,
+  add_ident_line($node, "ident_if_exists.conf", "map1,map2",
+       "multiple values in ident field");
+push @ident_raw_errors_step2,
+  add_ident_line(
+       $node,
+       "ident_if_exists.conf",
+       'map @osnames_fails.conf postgres',
+       "could not open file \"$data_dir/osnames_fails.conf\": No such file or 
+  );
+add_ident_line($node, "ident_if_exists.conf", "include ident_recurse.conf");
+push @ident_raw_errors_step2,
+  add_ident_line(
+       $node,
+       "ident_recurse.conf",
+       "include ident_recurse.conf",
+       "could not open file \"$data_dir/ident_recurse.conf\": maximum nesting 
depth exceeded"
+  );
+       $node, $ident_file, "include_if_exists ../ident_if_exists.conf",
+       # There's no guarantee that the generated "line X of file..." will be
+       # emitted for the expected line, but previous tests already ensured that
+       # the correct line number / file name was emitted, so ensuring that 
+       # an error in all expected lines is enough here.
+       generate_log_err_patterns($node, \@ident_raw_errors_step2, 0),
+       0);
+# part 3, test reporting of various error scenario
+# NOTE: this will be bypassed -DEXEC_BACKEND or win32
+$node->connect_ok('dbname=postgres', 'Can connect after an auth file reset');
+is( $node->safe_psql(
+               'postgres',
+               'SELECT count(*) FROM pg_hba_file_rules WHERE error IS NOT 
+       qq(0),
+       'No error expected in pg_hba_file_rules');
+add_ident_line($node, $ident_file, '');
+is( $node->safe_psql(
+               'postgres',
+               'SELECT count(*) FROM pg_ident_file_mappings WHERE error IS NOT 
+       ),
+       qq(0),
+       'No error expected in pg_ident_file_mappings');
+# The instance could be restarted and no error is detected.  Now check if the
+# build is compatible with the view error reporting (EXEC_BACKEND / win32 will
+# fail when trying to connect as they always rely on the current auth files
+# content)
+my @hba_raw_errors;
+push @hba_raw_errors,
+  add_hba_line($node, $hba_file, "include ../not_a_file",
+       "could not open file \"$data_dir/not_a_file\": No such file or 
+  );
+my ($stdout, $stderr);
+my $cmdret = $node->psql(
+       'postgres', 'SELECT 1',
+       stdout => \$stdout,
+       stderr => \$stderr);
+if ($cmdret != 0)
+       # Connection failed.  Bail out, but make sure to raise a failure if it
+       # didn't fail for the expected hba file modification.
+       like(
+               $stderr,
+               qr/connection to server.* failed: FATAL:  could not load 
+               "Connection failed due to loading an invalid hba file");
+       done_testing();
+       diag(
+               "Build not compatible with auth file view error reporting, bail 
+       );
+       exit;
+# Combine errors generated at step 2, in the same order.
+$node->append_conf($hba_file, "include_dir ../hba_inc_fail");
+push @hba_raw_errors, @hba_raw_errors_step1;
+$node->append_conf($hba_file, "include_if_exists ../hba_if_exists.conf");
+push @hba_raw_errors, @hba_raw_errors_step2;
+my $hba_expected = generate_log_err_rows($node, \@hba_raw_errors);
+is( $node->safe_psql(
+               'postgres',
+               'SELECT rule_number, file_name, line_number, error FROM 
+                 . ' WHERE error IS NOT NULL ORDER BY rule_number'),
+       qq($hba_expected),
+       'Detected all error in hba file');
+# and do the same for pg_ident
+my @ident_raw_errors;
+push @ident_raw_errors,
+  add_ident_line(
+       $node,
+       $ident_file,
+       "include ../not_a_file",
+       "could not open file \"$data_dir/not_a_file\": No such file or 
+  );
+$node->append_conf($ident_file, "include_dir ../ident_inc_fail");
+push @ident_raw_errors, @ident_raw_errors_step1;
+$node->append_conf($ident_file, "include_if_exists ../ident_if_exists.conf");
+push @ident_raw_errors, @ident_raw_errors_step2;
+my $ident_expected = generate_log_err_rows($node, \@ident_raw_errors);
+is( $node->safe_psql(
+               'postgres',
+               'SELECT map_number, file_name, line_number, error FROM 
+                 . ' WHERE error IS NOT NULL ORDER BY map_number'),
+       qq($ident_expected),
+       'Detected all error in ident file');

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