Hi, Yuki.

1) In previous version of the patch aggregates, which had partialaggfn, were ok to push down. And it was a definite sign that aggregate can be pushed down. Now we allow pushing down an aggregate, which prorettype is not internal and aggfinalfn is not defined. Is it safe for all user-defined (or builtin) aggregates, even if they are generally shippable? Aggcombinefn is executed locally and we check that aggregate function itself is shippable. Is it enough? Perhaps, we could use partialagg_minversion (like aggregates with partialagg_minversion == -1 should not be pushed down) or introduce separate explicit flag?

2) Do we really have to look at pg_proc in partial_agg_ok() and deparseAggref()? Perhaps, looking at aggtranstype is enough?

3) I'm not sure if CREATE AGGREGATE tests with invalid PARTIALAGGFUNC/PARTIALAGG_MINVERSION should be in postgres_fdw tests or better should be moved to src/test/regress/sql/create_aggregate.sql, as they are not specific to postgres_fdw

Best regards,
Alexander Pyhalov,
Postgres Professional

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