Dear Horiguchi-san,

> Thus how about before entering an apply_delay, logrep worker sending a
> kind of crafted feedback, which reports commit_data.end_lsn as
> flushpos?  A little tweak is needed in send_feedback() but seems to
> work..

Thanks for replying! I tested your saying but it could not work well...

I made PoC based on the latest time-delayed patches [1] for non-streaming case.
Apply workers that are delaying applications send begin_data.final_lsn as 
recvpos and flushpos in send_feedback().

Followings were contents of the feedback message I got, and we could see that 
recv and flush were overwritten.

DEBUG:  sending feedback (force 1) to recv 0/1553638, write 0/1553550, flush 
CONTEXT:  processing remote data for replication origin "pg_16390" during 
message type "BEGIN" in transaction 730, finished at 0/1553638

In terms of walsender, however, sentPtr seemed to be slightly larger than 
flushed position on subscriber.

(gdb) p MyWalSnd->sentPtr 
$2 = 22361760
(gdb) p MyWalSnd->flush
$3 = 22361656
(gdb) p *MyWalSnd
$4 = {pid = 28807, state = WALSNDSTATE_STREAMING, sentPtr = 22361760, 
needreload = false, write = 22361656, 
  flush = 22361656, apply = 22361424, writeLag = 20020343, flushLag = 20020343, 
applyLag = 20020343, 
  sync_standby_priority = 0, mutex = 0 '\000', latch = 0x7ff0350cbb94, 
replyTime = 725113263592095}

Therefore I could not shut down the publisher node when applications were 
Do you have any opinions about them?

$ pg_ctl stop -D data_pub/
waiting for server to shut 
down............................................................... failed
pg_ctl: server does not shut down


Best Regards,
Hayato Kuroda

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