At Wed, 11 Jan 2023 12:46:24 +0000, "Hayato Kuroda (Fujitsu)" 
<> wrote in 
> them. Which version is better?

Some comments by a quick loock, different from the above.

+         CONNECTION 'host= port=5432 user=foo dbname=foodb'

I understand that we (not PG people, but IT people) are supposed to
use in documents a certain set of special addresses that is guaranteed
not to be routed in the field.

> TEST-NET-1 :
> TEST-NET-2 :
> TEST-NET-3 :

(I found in the postgres_fdw doc, but it'd be another issue..)

+                       if (strspn(tmp, "-0123456789 ") == strlen(tmp))

Do we need to bother spending another memory block for apparent
non-digits here?

+                                               errmsg(INT64_FORMAT " ms is 
outside the valid range for parameter \"%s\"",

We don't use INT64_FORMAT in translatable message strings. Cast then
use %lld instead.

This message looks unfriendly as it doesn't suggest the valid range,
and it shows the input value in a different unit from what was in the
input. A I think we can spell it as "\"%s\" is outside the valid range
for subsciription parameter \"%s\" (0 .. <INT_MAX> in millisecond)"

+       int64           min_apply_delay;
+                       if (ms < 0 || ms > INT_MAX)

Why is the variable wider than required?

+                                       errmsg("%s and %s are mutually 
exclusive options",
+                                                  "min_apply_delay > 0", 
"streaming = parallel"));

Mmm. Couldn't we refuse 0 as min_apply_delay?

+                                               sub->minapplydelay > 0)
+                                       if (opts.min_apply_delay > 0 &&

Is there any reason for the differenciation?

+                                                               errmsg("cannot 
set %s for subscription with %s",
"streaming = parallel", "min_apply_delay > 0"));

I think that this shoud be more like human-speking. Say, "cannot
enable min_apply_delay for subscription in parallel streaming mode" or
something..  The same is applicable to the nearby message.

+static void maybe_delay_apply(TimestampTz ts);

  apply_spooled_messages(FileSet *stream_fileset, TransactionId xid,
-                                          XLogRecPtr lsn)
+                                          XLogRecPtr lsn, TimestampTz ts)

"ts" looks too generic. Couldn't it be more specific?
We need a explanation for the parameter in the function comment.

+       if (!am_parallel_apply_worker())
+       {
+               Assert(ts > 0);
+               maybe_delay_apply(ts);

It seems to me better that the if condition and assertion are checked
inside maybe_delay_apply().


Kyotaro Horiguchi
NTT Open Source Software Center

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