
I noticed one BF failure[1] when monitoring the BF for some other commit.

#   Failed test 'authentication success for method password, connstr 
user=scram_role: log matches'
#   at t/001_password.pl line 120.
#                   '2023-01-13 07:33:46.741 EST [243628:5] LOG:  received 
SIGHUP, reloading configuration files
# 2023-01-13 07:33:46.742 EST [243662:1] [unknown] LOG:  connection received: 
# 2023-01-13 07:33:46.744 EST [243662:2] [unknown] LOG:  connection authorized: 
user=scram_role database=postgres application_name=001_password.pl
# 2023-01-13 07:33:46.748 EST [243662:3] 001_password.pl LOG:  statement: 
SELECT $$connected with user=scram_role$$
# '
#     doesn't match '(?^:connection authenticated: identity="scram_role" 
# Looks like you failed 1 test of 79.
[08:33:47] t/001_password.pl ........ 

After checking the test and log, I can see the test failed at the following 
# For plain "password" method, all users should also be able to connect.
reset_pg_hba($node, 'all', 'all', 'password');
test_conn($node, 'user=scram_role', 'password', 0,
        log_like =>
          [qr/connection authenticated: identity="scram_role" 

>From the log, the expected "xxx method=password " log was not output, a simple
"connection authorized: user=scram_role database=postgres " was output Instead.
So it seems the connection happens before pg_ident.conf is actually reloaded ?
Not sure if we need to do something make sure the reload happen, because it's
looks like very rare failure which hasn't happen in last 90 days.


Best regards,
Hou zhijie

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