On Wed, Jan 18, 2023 at 6:06 PM Peter Smith <smithpb2...@gmail.com> wrote:
>  Here are my review comments for the latest patch v16-0001. (excluding
> the test code)

And here are some review comments for the v16-0001 test code.



1. General
For all comments

"time delayed replication" -> "time-delayed replication" maybe is better?


-- fail - utilizing streaming = parallel with time delayed replication
is not supported.

For readability please put a blank line before this test.


-- success -- value without unit is taken as milliseconds

"value" -> "min_apply_delay value"


-- success -- interval is converted into ms and stored as integer

"interval" -> "min_apply_delay interval"

"integer" -> "an integer"


You could also add another test where min_apply_delay is 0

Then the following combination can be confirmed OK -- success create
subscription with (streaming=parallel, min_apply_delay=0)


-- fail - alter subscription with min_apply_delay should fail when
streaming = parallel is set.
'dbname=regress_doesnotexist' PUBLICATION testpub WITH (connect =
false, streaming = parallel);

There is another way to do this test without creating a brand-new
subscription. You could just alter the existing subscription like:
ALTER ... SET (min_apply_delay = 0)
then ALTER ... SET (parallel = streaming)
then ALTER ... SET (min_apply_delay = 123)



7. sub check_apply_delay_log

    my ($node_subscriber, $message, $expected) = @_;

Why pass in the message text? I is always the same so can be hardwired
in this function, right?


# Get the delay time in the server log

"int the server log" -> "from the server log" (?)


        qr/$message: (\d+) ms/
        or die "could not get delayed time";
        my $logged_delay = $1;

        # Is it larger than expected?
        cmp_ok($logged_delay, '>', $expected,
            "The wait time of the apply worker is long enough expectedly"

"could not get delayed time" -> "could not get the apply worker wait time"

"The wait time of the apply worker is long enough expectedly" -> "The
apply worker wait time has expected duration"


sub check_apply_delay_time

Maybe a brief explanatory comment for this function is needed to
explain the unreplicated column c.


    "CREATE SUBSCRIPTION tap_sub CONNECTION '$publisher_connstr
application_name=$appname' PUBLICATION tap_pub WITH (streaming = on,
min_apply_delay = '3s')"

I think there should be a comment here highlighting that you are
setting up a subscriber time delay of 3 seconds, and then later you
can better describe the parameters for the checking functions...

e.g. (add this comment)
# verifies that the subscriber lags the publisher by at least 3 seconds
check_apply_delay_time($node_publisher, $node_subscriber, '5', '3');

# verifies that the subscriber lags the publisher by at least 3 seconds
check_apply_delay_time($node_publisher, $node_subscriber, '8', '3');


# Test whether ALTER SUBSCRIPTION changes the delayed time of the apply worker
# (1 day 1 minute).
    "ALTER SUBSCRIPTION tap_sub SET (min_apply_delay = 86460000)"

Update the comment with another note.
# Note - The extra 1 min is to account for any decoding/network overhead.


# Make sure we have long enough min_apply_delay after the ALTER command
check_apply_delay_log($node_subscriber, "logical replication apply
delay", "80000000");

IMO the expectation of 1 day (86460000 ms) wait time might be a better
number for your "expected" value.

So update the comment/call like this:

# Make sure the apply worker knows to wait for more than 1 day (86400000 ms)
check_apply_delay_log($node_subscriber, "logical replication apply
delay", "86400000");

Kind Regards,
Peter Smith.
Fujitsu Australia

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