On Fri, 2023-01-20 at 12:54 -0800, Jeff Davis wrote:
> Both of these are surprising, and I haven't investigated deeply yet.

It's just because autoconf defaults to -O2 and meson to -O3, at least
on my machine. It turns out that, at -O2, master and the refactoring
branch are even; but at -O3, both get faster, and the refactoring pulls
ahead by a few percentage points.

At least that's what's happening for en-US-x-icu on UTF-8 with my test
data set. I didn't see much of a difference in other situations, but I
didn't retest those other situations this time around.

We should still look into why disabling abbreviated keys improves
performance in some cases. Maybe we need a GUC for that?

Jeff Davis
PostgreSQL Contributor Team - AWS

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