On Mon, Jan 30, 2023 at 04:51:38PM +0900, Michael Paquier wrote:
> Now, I find this part, where we use a double pointer to allow the
> module initialization to create and give back a private area, rather
> confusing, and I think that this could be bug-prone, as well.  Once
> you incorporate some data within the set of callbacks, isn't this
> stuff close to a "state" data, or just something that we could call
> only an "ArchiveModule"?  Could it make more sense to have
> _PG_archive_module_init return a structure with everything rather than
> a separate in/out argument?  Here is the idea, simply:
> typedef struct ArchiveModule {
>       ArchiveCallbacks *routines;
>       void *private_data;
>       /* Potentially more here, like some flags? */
> } ArchiveModule;

Yeah, we could probably invent an ArchiveModuleContext struct.  I think
this is similar to how LogicalDecodingContext is used.

Nathan Bossart
Amazon Web Services: https://aws.amazon.com

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