On Fri, Feb 24, 2023 at 12:15 PM Nathan Bossart
<nathandboss...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thoughts?

I think you should have a trailing \n when writing to stderr.

Here's that reproducer I speculated about (sorry I confused SIGQUIT
and SIGTERM in my earlier email, ENOCOFFEE).  Seems to do the job, and
I tested on a Linux box for good measure.  If you comment out the
kill(), "check PROVE_TESTS=t/002_archiving.pl" works fine
(demonstrating that that definition of system() works fine).  With the
kill(), it reliably reaches 'TRAP: failed Assert("latch->owner_pid ==
MyProcPid")' without your patch, and with your patch it avoids it.  (I
believe glibc's system() could reach it too with the right timing, but
I didn't try, my point being that the use of the OpenBSD system() here
is only  because it's easier to grok and to wrangle.)

Attachment: 0001-XXX-inject-SIGTERM-into-system-at-an-inconvenient-mo.xatch
Description: Binary data

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