On 23.02.23 20:55, Kirk Wolak wrote:
  I love that my proposal for %T in the prompt, triggered some great conversations.

  This is not instead of that.  That lets me run a query and come back HOURS later, and know it finished before 7PM like it was supposed to!

  This feature is simple.  We forget to set \timing on...
I've been there many times!
We run a query, and we WONDER... how long did  that take.

  This, too, should be a trivial problem (the code will tell).

  I am proposing this to get feedback (I don't have a final design in mind, but I will start by reviewing when and how ROW_COUNT gets set, and what \timing reports).

  Next up, as I learn (and make mistakes), this toughens me up...

  I am not sure the name is right, but I would like to report it in the same (ms) units as \timing, since there is an implicit relationship in what they are doing.

  I think like ROW_COUNT, it should not change because of internal commands. So, you guys +1 this thing, give additional comments.  When the feedback settles, I commit to making it happen.

Thanks, Kirk

I can see it being pretty handy to check if a certain task involving two different terminal windows was done in the right order. Basically to see what went wrong, e.g. "did I really stop the master database before promoting the replica?"

+1 !

Best, Jim

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