On Tue, Feb 21, 2023 at 7:18 PM Bharath Rupireddy
<bharath.rupireddyforpostg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 20, 2023 at 5:17 PM Melih Mutlu <m.melihmu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Thanks for letting me know.
> > Attached the fixed version of the patch.
> Thanks. I have few comments on v9 patch:
> 1.
> +                    /* Do not allow binary = false with copy_format = binary 
> */
> +                    if (!opts.binary &&
> +                        sub->copyformat == LOGICALREP_COPY_AS_BINARY &&
> +                        !IsSet(opts.specified_opts, SUBOPT_COPY_FORMAT))
> +                        ereport(ERROR,
> +
> +                                 errmsg("cannot set %s for a
> subscription with %s",
> +                                        "binary = false",
> "copy_format = binary")));
> I don't understand why we'd need to tie an option (binary) that deals
> with data types at column-level with another option (copy_format) that
> requests the entire table data to be in binary. This'd essentially
> make one to set binary = true to use copy_format = binary, no? IMHO,
> this inter-dependency is not good for better usability.
> 2. Why can't the tests that this patch adds be simple? Why would it
> need to change the existing tests at all? I'm thinking to create a new
> 00X_binary_copy_format.pl or such and setting up logical replication
> with copy_format = binary and letting table sync worker request
> publisher in binary format - you can verify this via publisher server
> logs - look for COPY with BINARY option. If required, have the table
> with different data types. This greatly reduces the patch's footprint.

I've done performance testing with the v9 patch.

I can constantly observe 1.34X improvement or 25% improvement in table
sync/copy performance with the patch:
HEAD binary = false
Time: 214398.637 ms (03:34.399)

PATCHED binary = true, copy_format = binary:
Time: 160509.262 ms (02:40.509)

There's a clear reduction (5.68% to 4.49%) in the CPU cycles spent in
copy_table with the patch:
perf report HEAD:
-    5.68%     0.00%  postgres  postgres  [.] copy_table
   - copy_table
      - 5.67% CopyFrom
         - 4.26% NextCopyFrom
            - 2.16% NextCopyFromRawFields
               - 1.55% CopyReadLine
                  - 1.52% CopyReadLineText
                     - 0.76% CopyLoadInputBuf
                          0.50% CopyConvertBuf
                 0.60% CopyReadAttributesText
            - 1.93% InputFunctionCall
                 0.69% timestamptz_in
                 0.53% byteain
         - 0.73% CopyMultiInsertInfoFlush
            - 0.73% CopyMultiInsertBufferFlush
               - 0.66% table_multi_insert
                    0.65% heap_multi_insert

perf report PATCHED:
-    4.49%     0.00%  postgres  postgres  [.] copy_table
   - copy_table
      - 4.48% CopyFrom
         - 2.36% NextCopyFrom
            - 1.81% CopyReadBinaryAttribute
                 1.47% ReceiveFunctionCall
         - 1.21% CopyMultiInsertInfoFlush
            - 1.21% CopyMultiInsertBufferFlush
               - 1.11% table_multi_insert
                  - 1.09% heap_multi_insert
                     - 0.71% RelationGetBufferForTuple
                        - 0.63% ReadBufferBI
                           - 0.62% ReadBufferExtended
                                0.62% ReadBuffer_common

I've tried to choose the table columns such that the binary send/recv
vs non-binary/plain/text copy has some benefit. The table has 100mn
rows, and is of 11GB size. I've measured the benefit using Melih's
helper function wait_for_rep(). Note that I had to compile source code
with -ggdb3 -O0 for perf report, otherwise with -O3 for performance

wal_level = 'logical'
shared_buffers = '8GB'
wal_buffers = '1GB'
max_wal_size = '32GB'

create table foo(i int, n numeric, v varchar, b bytea, t timestamp
with time zone default current_timestamp);
insert into foo select i, i+1, md5(i::text), md5(i::text)::bytea from
generate_series(1, 100000000) i;

LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $$
    WHILE (SELECT count(*) != 0 FROM pg_subscription_rel WHERE
srsubstate <> 'r') LOOP COMMIT;

Bharath Rupireddy
PostgreSQL Contributors Team
RDS Open Source Databases
Amazon Web Services: https://aws.amazon.com

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