On Tue, 28 Feb 2023 at 07:44, Peter Eisentraut
<peter.eisentr...@enterprisedb.com> wrote:
> Attached is a patch to add nondecimal integer literals and underscores
> in numeric literals to the SQL JSON path language.  This matches the
> recent additions to the core SQL syntax.  It follows ECMAScript in
> combination with the current SQL draft.

I think this new feature ought to be mentioned in the docs somewhere.
Perhaps a sentence or two in the note below table 9.49 would suffice,
since it looks like that's where jsonpath numbers are mentioned for
the first time.

In jsonpath_scan.l, I think the hex/oct/bininteger cases could do with
a comment, such as

/* Non-decimal integers in ECMAScript; must not have underscore after radix */
hexinteger    0[xX]{hexdigit}(_?{hexdigit})*
octinteger    0[oO]{octdigit}(_?{octdigit})*
bininteger    0[bB]{bindigit}(_?{bindigit})*

since that's different from the main lexer's syntax.

Perhaps it's worth mentioning that difference in the docs.

Otherwise, this looks good to me.


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