The following review has been posted through the commitfest application:
make installcheck-world:  tested, passed
Implements feature:       tested, failed
Spec compliant:           not tested
Documentation:            not tested


This is one of those features that is beneficial to a handful of people in 
specific test cases. It may not benefit the majority of the users but is 
certainly not useless either. As long as it can be disabled and enough tests 
have been run to ensure it won't have a significant impact on working 
components while disabled, it should be fine in my opinion. Regarding where the 
selected port shall be saved (, read by pg_ctl or saved in a 
dedicated file), I see that already contains a port number in 
line number 4, so adding a port number into there is nothing new; port number 
is already there and we can simply replace the port number with the one 
selected by the system. 

I applied and tested the patch and found that the system can indeed start when 
port is set to 0, but line 4 of does not store the port number 
selected by the system, rather, it stored 0, which is the same as configured. 
So I am actually not able to find out the port number that my PG is running on, 
at least not in a straight-forward way. 

thank you
Cary Huang
HighGo Software

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