On Mon, Jul 24, 2023 at 6:46 PM Michael Paquier <mich...@paquier.xyz> wrote:

> Shouldn't this new field be marked as query_jumble_location

Yes, it should. I had some trouble getting it to work that way in the first
place, but now I realize it was just my unfamiliarity with this part of the
code. So thanks for the hint: v2 of the patch is much simplified by adding
two attributes to theTransactionStmt node. I've also added some tests per
your suggestion.

Unrelated to this patch, I'm struggling with meson testing. Why doesn't
this update the postgres test binary?:

meson test --suite pg_stat_statements

It runs "ninja" as expected, but it does not put a new
build/tmp_install/home/greg/pg/17/bin/postgres in place until I do a "meson


Attachment: savepoint_jumble.v2.patch
Description: Binary data

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