
Currently if we want to extract a numeric field in jsonb, we need to use
the following expression:  cast (a->>'a' as numeric). It will turn a numeric
to text first and then turn the text to numeric again. See
jsonb_object_field_text and JsonbValueAsText.  However the binary format
of numeric in JSONB is compatible with the numeric in SQL, so I think we
can have an operator to extract the numeric directly. If the value of a
field is not a numeric data type, an error will be raised, this can be

In this patch, I added a new operator for this purpose, here is the
performance gain because of this.

create table tb (a jsonb);
insert into tb select '{"a": 1}'::jsonb from generate_series(1, 100000)i;

current method:
select count(*) from tb where cast (a->>'a' as numeric) = 2;

new method:
select count(*) from tb where a@->'a' = 2;

Is this the right way to go? Testcase, document and catalog version are

Best Regards
Andy Fan

Attachment: v1-0001-Add-jsonb-operator-to-return-a-numeric-directly.patch
Description: Binary data

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