čt 3. 8. 2023 v 16:27 odesílatel Andy Fan <zhihui.fan1...@gmail.com> napsal:

> Hi:
>>  If you use explicit cast, then the code should not be hard, in the
>> rewrite stage all information should be known.
> Can you point to me where the code is for the XML stuff?  I thought
> this is a bad idea but I may accept it if some existing code does
> such a thing already.   "such thing"  is  typeA:typeB is
> converted something else but user can't find out an entry in
> pg_cast for typeA to typeB.

in XML there is src/backend/utils/adt/xml.c, the XmlTableGetValue routine.
It is not an internal transformation - and from XML type to some else.

you can look at parser - parse_expr, parse_func. You can watch the
lifecycle of :: operator. There are transformations of nodes to different

you can look to patches related to SQL/JSON (not fully committed yet) and

>> It would be cool but still I didn't see a way to do that without making
>>> something else complex.
>>  The custom @-> operator you can implement in your own custom extension.
>> Builtin solutions should be generic as it is possible.
> I agree, but actually I think there is no clean way to do it, at least I
> dislike the conversion of typeA to typeB in a cast syntax but there
> is no entry in pg_cast for it.  Are you saying something like this
> or I misunderstood you?

There is not any possibility of user level space.  The conversions should
be supported by cast from pg_cast, where it is possible. When it is
impossible, then you can raise an exception in some strict mode, or you can
do IO cast. But this is not hard part

You should to teach parser to push type info deeper to some nodes about
expected result

(2023-08-04 05:28:36) postgres=# select ('{"a":2,
│ numeric │
│       2 │
(1 row)

(2023-08-04 05:28:36) postgres=# select ('{"a":2,
│ numeric │
│       2 │
(1 row)

(2023-08-04 05:28:41) postgres=# select ('{"a":2,
│ int4 │
│    2 │
(1 row)

when the parser iterates over the expression, it crosses ::type node first,
so you have information about the target type. Currently this information
is used when the parser is going back and when the source type is the same
as the target type, the cast can be ignored. Probably it needs to add some
flag to the operator if they are able to use this. Maybe it can be a new
third argument with an expected type. So new kinds of op functions can look
like opfx("any", "any", anyelement) returns anyelement. Maybe you find
another possibility. It can be invisible for me (or for you) now.

It is much more work, but the benefits will be generic. I think this is an
important part for container types, so partial fix is not good, and it
requires a system solution. The performance is important, but without
generic solutions, the complexity increases, and this is a much bigger



> --
> Best Regards
> Andy Fan

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