
Which of these are you looking for us to provide:

* A machine for you to directly access (via a VPN)
* A machine we just run a worker script on that automatically picks up the builds as required
* Us to do downstream CI

All are possible, but preferably not option 1, as it would mean straight up pulling out a machine from our build farm, and it has to go through all sorts of approvals internally. If it's the only way forward I can kick it up the chain though.

Option 2 and 3 are ones we do for various other projects (ie. 2 - CMake, 3 - OpenSSL)


On 17/08/2023 23:28, Michael Paquier wrote:
On Thu, Aug 17, 2023 at 09:41:44AM +0100, Anthony Roberts wrote:
Just following up on this, has there been any movement?

I did see another message go into the thread here with no reply:
I don't have an environment to test the patch, but I don't object to
it per se.  However, I don't really want to move forward completely
blindly as well in the long-term.

As mentioned to Niyas, could it be possible to provide to the
community a buildfarm machine that would be able to test this
environment?  I am not sure what's your status on that.  Perhaps this
is already set up and you are just waiting for the patch to be merged?

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