On 9/22/23 14:36, Robert Haas wrote:
I haven't checked this, but I think what's happening here is that DROP
SUBSCRIPTION tries to drop the remote slot, which requires making a
connection, which can trigger the error. You might get different
results if you did ALTER SUBSCRIPTION ... SET (slot_name = none)

You're right, it comes from the connection to drop the slot.

But the code in for DropSubscription in src/backend/commands/subscriptioncmds.c tries to connect before testing if the slot is NONE / NULL. So it doesn't work to DISABLE the subscription and set the slot to NONE.

1522 >~~~must_use_password = !superuser_arg(subowner) && form->subpasswordrequired;
  1685 >~~~wrconn = walrcv_connect(conninfo, true, must_use_password,
     1 >~~~>~~~>~~~>~~~>~~~>~~~>~~~subname, &err);
     2 >~~~if (wrconn == NULL)
     3 >~~~{
     4 >~~~>~~~if (!slotname)
     5 >~~~>~~~{
     6 >~~~>~~~>~~~/* be tidy */
     7 >~~~>~~~>~~~list_free(rstates);
     8 >~~~>~~~>~~~table_close(rel, NoLock);
     9 >~~~>~~~>~~~return;
    10 >~~~>~~~}
    11 >~~~>~~~else
    12 >~~~>~~~{
13 >~~~>~~~>~~~ReportSlotConnectionError(rstates, subid, slotname, err);
    14 >~~~>~~~}
    15 >~~~}

Reading the code, I think I understand why the postgres user cannot drop the slot:

* the owner is sub_owner (not a superuser)
* and form->subpasswordrequired is true

Should there be a test to check if the user executing the query is superuser? maybe it's handled differently? (I am not very familiar with the code).

I dont understand (yet?) why I can do ALTER SUBSCRIPTIONs after changing the ownership to an unpriviledged user (must_use_password should be true also in that case).

Benoit Lobréau

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