On Wed, Oct 25, 2023 at 9:43 AM Michael Paquier <mich...@paquier.xyz> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I don't remember how many times in the last few years when I've had to
> hack the backend to produce a test case that involves a weird race
> condition across multiple processes running in the backend, to be able
> to prove a point or just test a fix (one recent case: 2b8e5273e949).
> Usually, I come to hardcoding stuff for the following situations:
> - Trigger a PANIC, to force recovery.
> - A FATAL, to take down a session, or just an ERROR.
> - palloc() failure injection.
> - Sleep to slow down a code path.
> - Pause and release with condition variable.

+1 for the feature.

TWIMW, here[1] is an interesting talk from pgconf.in 2020 on the similar

1] https://pgconf.in/conferences/pgconfin2020/program/proposals/101

Amul Sul

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